Chapter 11 - "I'm always right."

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Louis walked into Harrys room, and looked around. It wasn't what he expected. What he expected? He couldn't tell, but the one thing he could tell was, he didn't expected a normal room, he didn't know why, he just did. 

Harrys room as quite big, and his walls were painted in a plain green, but plastered with photos and band posters from several bands, like Simple Plan, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, all those bands that are mistaken for "emo-bands", even though it wasn't the truth. His bed was messy like someone just got him out of bed, and Louis thought it was him ringing the doorbell, and there was a guitar in the corner of the room, which was the thing that surprised Louis the most, Harry didn't look like the type of guy that would play guitar.

He walked over to the bed and sat down on its edge as Harry entered the room, and Louis looked over to him. "So, what have you been up to before I came?", Louis questioned. Harry shrugged and sat down on a chair on the opposite of Louis, looking at him with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"You must've done anything, though.", Louis spoke, slightly chuckling as he met Harrys eyes almost piercing right through him. Harry shrugged again. "I don't know, I kinda fell asleep.", he answered. "What about you?" 

"Sorry for waking you up then.", Louis started, smiling at Harry. "I've been at Nandos with Nialler, but he's a bit off lately, but I can't put my finger on it." 

"Depression.", Harry said, and Louis raised his eyebrows, looking at Harry with confusion written all over his face. "What?", he asked, and Harry sighed. 

"Depression.", he repeated. "Niall's got depression." Louis looked at the younger lad in disbelief. "Are you sure?" 

Harry rolled his eyes at Louis. "Pretty sure. It's obvious, I mean, he looks like he hasn't slept in days, which he probably hasn't. He seems to be sad, he's distancing himself from you, and I don't know if you noticed it but he isn't even eating as much as he used to, I noticed. I notice everything." 

Louis thought for a moment, everything that Harry just remarked was true, Niall didn't even eat all his chicken at Nandos when they were there when he normally even orders more chicken. 

"And now you're thinking about that the things I just said are true, m'right?", he added, looking at Louis with a grin on his face, and Louis slowly nodded, looking up again, meeting Harrys eyes. "How'd you see this? I mean, you're barely even with us..", he asked, confused.

Harry shrugged. "I just know how to see depression when it's right in front of me, plus Niall has every reason to be depressed, I mean, you know his story, right?" Louis nodded as Harry stopped talking to wait for his reaction. "See, and he's been like that before, not that long ago, like, a year and a half ago, I think all you need to find out is why his depression got worse." 

Louis nodded, and looked at Harry. "Are you like, an expert in mental illnesses or what? I mean, my uncle teached me a lot about them but I didn't even see that." 

Harry shrugged. "Like I said, I just know things when they are in front of me, it's not that hard, it doesn't make me an expert." 

Louis raised his eyebrows, silently questioning that Harry was telling the truth. He mentally cursed himself for not seeing the signs of Nialls depression himself, like, Niall showed every single obvious sign, right? 

"I-I should go now.", Louis spoke as he stood up. "Such a fast visit, Tomlinson.", Harry chuckled, looking up to the smaller boy. 

"I'm usually grounded.", Louis explained. "I will go trough hell for going out with Niall, and I thought I'd already go through hell so why not paying my loyal friend Harry a visit." Louis grinned. "See you at school." 


"Louis William Tomlinson! Where were you?" Louis pressed his eyes shut, mentally cursing himself as he turned around. He was quiet when he entered the house and almost got up the stairs without his mum noticing him, at least he thought that.

"With a friend?", he said, his sentence sounding like a question, and Jay was looking at him with an angry face. 

"Yeah, I thought so. But you're grounded young man, you know that means no visiting friends." 

Louis nodded, looking at his mum, and Jay looked back at her son. "Since I'm in a good mood, I will let you get away with this.", she sighed. "If I catch you one more time, you'll be grounded for at least a month, got it?" Louis nodded, and Jay just turned around and walked back into the living room, leaving a confused Louis standing on the stairs, looking after her. Louis was confused about what just happened, his mum usually would've freaked out if he did this. 

He decided to let it rest, and turned around, walking into his room before his mum would be changing her mind.


Louis stood by his locker, and looked around whether he could see anyone of his friends. Harry already left for school when he wanted to pick him up, at least that was what Harrys mum told Louis, and who was Louis to question this? 

Niall came into Louis' sight, and Louis thought that was a good chance to try to get Niall to talk, and he walked towards him as Niall stopped by his locker to get some books for the morning lessons.

"Hey, Nialler.", Louis spoke, and Niall looked at him. "Hi.", he replied, stuffing his books into his bag. "What's up?", Louis chimed, trying to sound as good mooded as possible. Niall raised his eyebrows. "Everything okay? You're... weird.", Niall asked, and Louis just nodded. "Everything's fine, what about you?", he responded, and he saw how Niall was about to say something as he shrugged it off just the same second. "I'm okay, too, glad my aunts back.", he answered, looking like he mentally was at an other place. 

"You sure? You seem off.", Louis acknowledged, and Niall nodded. "Just fine, don't worry.", he explained in his thick, irish accent. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" 

Niall rolled his eyes, but nodded. "Already told me that yesterday, yes, I do know and I will come back to it when I need it, okay?" He looked into his friends eyes, and Louis nodded. "I need to use the bathroom, see you in maths.", Niall added and walked past Louis, and as Louis looked after Niall, he knew Harry was right. Niall really was depressed, but there was something else, something much bigger that he was hiding, and Louis was determined to find out what it was. He turned around to walk to his locker again as he bumped into a person who was standing there. He looked up and saw Harry standing there, his arms crossed. 

"I told you that I was sure. I'm always right.", Harry said before he turned around and walked away.


Just for a note so I don't get hate: Bands like Sleeping with Sirens or Pierce the Vail are NOT emo bands, I just remarked that people CALL them this, I fucking love those bands, so I DO NOT hate on anything. Okay, that's it :)

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