Chapter 7: those broken promises

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Chapter 7: those broken promises
Recap:So, i kinda came here to say sorry. Im sorry i was a bitch.. I think we should really make up...on whatever is bothering you..." I stuttered out.
He looked at me. Unknown emotions racing in his eyes. My palms were sweaty and clammy. CMON kellin hurry it up your going to kill me!
He opens his mouth and the next words that leave his mouth broke my heart.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

kellins pov: "who the hell do you think you are?!" I say to her astonished. Immediatly her eyes open more than usual and she stares at me. I was outraged! I thought our relationship was better and then she tells me instead of going with us, she was going to go with ptv? Thats messed up! Im her brother! She cant be taking turns with me!!
"W-what?" She said sounding like a lost puppy. I couldnt even comprehend her emotions right now!
"I am your brother! You are supposed to pick me over them! You dont EVEN KNOW THEM!" She took a step back as i took one forward.
"Kell-" " NO. You are probably sleeping with all of them you whore! You disgust me i dont know why i wanted you as a sister!" She took another step back, frightened. Why was she so scared?
Its not like I give a fuck anyway. "U p-promised" was the only thing she said before turning around and running away.
I turn around to head back to the bus and see justin at the door, looking at me with a confused face. "What" i snap at him.
"Fucking chill man shes your only family. The ptv guys know more about her than you! Stop being so fucking selfish and get the fuck over yourself" he walks off the bus steaming. His words were repeated over and over again in my head. Was i being selfish? Has the fame really gotten to me?! Suddenly i remember quinns last words. You promised I immediately remember.
"Will you love me forever?" Quinn asks me one day when i was doing homework, i set my pencil down and looked at her 6 year old face. "Of course" i said. "You will never hurt me ever right?" Confused by the question i scrunch my eyebrows and say " of course not! You're my sister!"
"Will you never leave me?"
I get out of my chair desk and sit next to her on the bed. "I will never leave you" I whisper to her. " why all the questions?"
She just says. "Its a law! I just made it! Now. You you promise to keep your word?" She giggles
I nod my head, putting my hand to my chest. "I promise for all eternity, if i ever break one, i wont ever live with myself until i get your forgiveness!" She giggles and hugs me looking up to my eyes. "Thank you" she said. And at that point,her eyes sparkled with the sunset from my window and stars from the sky. And from that moment on. I knew i had to give her the world.
*Flashback over*

Quinns pov*
"You p-promised" i stated lowly before turning and running away. I felt my heart break into millions of peices. He promised. He promised. He promised. How could he break all of them at once?!
I ran faster once i saw the bus and got in. Immediatly running to my bunk. The guys were playing their show so i was alone.
My shaky hands seatch in my backpack for my razor, once i find it i run towards the bathroom...( you can infer whats happening i dont want to uh.m write that.)
I clean my self up and put my razor away. And as i go to open the door. Everything starts swooshing. As if the world was tilting and turning.
I lean into the door once i get it open and i stumble over to my bunk putting my razor saftely into my bag.
I make my way slowly to the lounge when i hear the door open.
Four rowdy men pile onto the bus. I try to smile but the dizziness is getting worse. A persons muffled voice gets closer to me until i notice its vic."scar, are you ok? You look out of it! Whats up? Scar?"
All the other boys have their eyes on me waiting.
"Im fine, just a little dizzy or lighthead-" im feel the world titl sideways and my vision goes black.

Vics pov* holy poo alot today huh? XD
It was an amazing show! All the fans were perfect. I love putting a smile on their faces. After signing somethings we all go back to the bus. I wonder if scar is there. She didnt come to see us. I am the first one on the bus. And as i get on i see scar there. Relief rushes over me but then i notic her more clearly. Shes holding on to the couch and has a blank look on her face. "Scar?" She doesnt answer. I get closer to her. " scar are you ok? You look out of it. Whats up? Scar?"
She looks at me blankly.
"Im fine, just a little bit dizzy or lighthead-" she falls to the floor quickly and I immediately catch her.
Whats going on. Im panicking! Then i see the blood seeping from her wrist. I look at the guys shocked expressions. I know what to do.
"Tony get alcohol and towels. Mike get the fisrt aid kit. Jaime go make her something to eat. Anything!" They all nod and disperse. I set her on the couch and examine her right arm. ( shes a lefty)
I slowly peel up the bloody sleeve and gasp. So many. New old recent. I check her other arm to find it clean. Of any new ones.
Tony and mike come back. I grab the alchohol and pour some on the towel. I dont care how bloody they get. She cant get an infection. I press the towel to her arm knowing she might wake up. Her body jolts at the pain but i keep the towel there. She gasps a little bit and scrunches her eyes. "Vic! Vic stop it. It hurts!" I look at her tear filled eyes. "I know,im sorry we are almost done.
Once they are clean of blood. I get the first aid kit and take out the neosporin. "This will numb the pain"i say soothingly. I put the cream on her and wrap gauze around her arm. Jaime comes in with a sandwich and chips. Jesus jaime. THAT took you that long!?
"Eat, you need it" she groans but eats some of both.
"Can, can you guys leave us alone for a bit?" I say to the guys. They nod and walk out.
"We have to talk" i say.
OK I WAS gunna write more but im like realllllllyy hungry and imma eat xD iTS FINISHED!!! Well at least the chapter cx SORRY ITS BEEN A WHILE! Let me know what you think! I wana make sure ppl are reading this cx

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