Chapter 6: And on their grave was: they died smelling burned bacon...

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Chapter 6:and on their grave was: they died smelling burned bacon(idk man i thonk its funny xD)

Vics pov*
The next day**

I lay awake in my bunk as i had been doing for about 10 minutes since i woke up.
I could hear ally's soft snores from my bunk.
The only time she seems at peace is when she sleeps. And even in her sleep sometimes it looks like she is having a nightmare. she is so broken i dont know how i can fix her. I really want to.
She probably doesnt even like me...
Ughh enough of this. Shes kellins sister for gods sakes!!!!
I shake my head and get out of my bunk heading to the bathroom.
After doing my buisness and brushing my teeth i check the time.
9:24 am.
Not bad. I have time to make breakfast.
I take out the eggs and bacon from the fridge. Making one of the only things i know how to cook.... Well. I kinda know how.
I think i might have put to much oil for the bacon... Does it even need oil???
The smoke rises and send burning bacon smells all around the bus.
I hear a thump and ally comes in rubbing her head.

Ally's pov*

Burned bacon... Yum!
My nose practically recoiled at the smell. I hear vic curse and a spatula scraping.
Oh god.
I should help.
Nahh let him suffer!!
Well. I dont want him to kill people because of smoke intake.
I groan as i hop out of my bunk and head to the kitchen rubbing my head to wake me up more.
"Vic, please. Stop trying to kill us all and give me tha spatula."
His face goes a little pink and he nods slowly, giving me the utensil.
I quickly take off the burning bacon and start over with less oil and new strips. Soon enough. The burning bacon smell is gone and in comes the nice smell of real bacon.
I hear groans and sniffs as i finish up the bacon and know its almost time for them to wake up.
Vic is by my side looking at How im cooking and absorbing everything with his big annoying(at the moment, because seriously hes sticking his head in and doesnt let me cook) eyes. I look at him and he steps back a little knowing i was cooking and needed space.
I smile at him, because im not exactly mad and continue cooking. I start on the eggs and once im done decide to go for pancakes. Grabbing  the flour and the ingredients we need. I mix the batter and start the pancakes. Easily finishing those. the boys walk in the room looking and acting like the walking dead.
I roll my eye and smile softly at their faces when they see the food. Immediatly they dig in the food. Including vic who had been taking peices in secret while i cooked. I set a pancake on my plate and ate that.
Constat chatter was kept as we spoke about random things. Like when jaime talked about his trip to disney and how mickey mouse was a pierce the veil fan.
To tony when he broke a fans guitar
Vic  thanked me and i told them about him trying to kill us. In which i got a glare and protests back from vic.
When it all died down i decided to speak up. " so guys, whats the schedule for today?"
Vic looks thoughtful and says, "well we have a show at 4 anddddd we singed you in to be a body gaurd at our shows like before if thats fine with you.
I nodded thankful for the job and checked the time. 12:49 pm
"Holy shit guys we have 3 hours!" I said quickly. The boys looked panicked as they had a sound check at 1:20 and still had to shower. They got up from the table and kissed me on the cheeck as they left, thanking me.
Then like the animals they are they fought over the shower while i changed and got ready. I was going to go see kellin. We are both going through a rough pach and i gotta talk to him about yestrday..
I finished putting on my black converse that went with my black skinny jeans and my red tank top and black crop top.(a/n YES i wear crop tops with an undershirt under them. Shoot me cx)
I grab my phone and walk out yelling to the guys i was going out.
Whew, lets see how this goes.
I walk over to the sleeping with sirens bus, took a deep breath and knocked twice on the door.
Justin answered the door looking a bit confused ,but called kellin over after greeting me.kellin came to the door and justin left back in.
"Heyy! How are you doing?" He said after stepping off the bus.
"I- im fine" i say finally.
"So, i kinda came her to say sorry. Im sorry i was a bitch.. I think we should really make up...on whatever is bothering you..." I stuttered out.
He looked at me. Unknown emotions racing in his eyes. My palms were sweaty and clammy. CMON kellin hurry it up your going to kill me!
He opens his mouth and the next words that leave his mouth break my heart.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

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