Chapter 6: The Sexy Doctor

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Omg so guess like how old the doctor was? Only like 23 like OMG THIS IS SOY CHAI LATTER FOR ME!!! He's so cute and like I'm speechless. Perfect lips perfect hair perfect beard perfect everything. Now let's see if he's gay .!
So the trick is, ( it's secret don't tell anyone ) <your welcome viewers> is that you look them in the eye of if the eye twinkles then there gay. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask him if Shane is ok..... Omg I still hear a long beep sound. Oml. I'm so scared right know what do I do. So the doctors come up to me and he yelled me that Shane died because of his blood clotting in his heart. I'm so sad right now. It is all my fault.

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