Chapter VII

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Sorry for the long delay in posting but RL got in the way. Hopefully, I'll be able to post an update every month as planned when I started sharing this fic. Now I'm off to working on a new instalment of my G & M fic  "To Be Worthy" . Enjoy!

TITLE: A Voice in the Dark

AUTHOR: Lexie aka lillianschild

FANDOM: Spooks/MI5

RATING: PG13 (Mild R for this chapter)


SUMMARY: Section D has a traitor in its midst and a mysterious man arrives with what appears to be the key to rid MI5 of the mole.

A/N: this fic is my own version of Series 7. I will probably update it once a month, considering my busy work schedule, and try to pen a one-shot in between to continue my Guy & Marian Acrostic Series.

Disclaimer: all recognisable characters belong to BBC and Kudos Productions; I'm just playing with them for a little while without making a profit. No infringement's intended.


The days dragged on, and Annabelle toyed with different plans to run away now that she was no longer restrained, plans which she discarded one by one. Although a few weeks ago she’d have celebrated being alone in the house with Tom, for it would have made her escape a lot more feasible, now she felt more protected around her kidnappers than around those whose allegiances she no longer trusted.

True to the promise she’d been made, several volumes of poetry and Russian literature appeared on her bedside table the following day. They helped her while away the hours, but they did little to assuage the sudden inexplicable fear which had seized her as one day turned into two and then three and he didn't return. What was it about this man that had managed to tap a cord within her no adult male ever had? Why did the thought of never being able to hear his voice again or see his face at last filled her with such a sense of overwhelming loss?

“It's been four days... Tom, where has he gone?”she asked one morning, unable to keep pretending indifference any longer.


“I know when someone says goodbye and believes it might be forever.”

“You returned your dinner tray untouched last night. Eat your breakfast before it gets cold.”

“I'm not hungry.”

“If he finds you half-starved when he comes back, he'll have my precious neck.”

“I won't let either you or whoever's out there killing my unit strip me of the last shred of control I have over my life. Nobody's going to order me when to eat.”

“I thought you liked me.”

“I was starting to until you got patronising.”


“What is this conversation if not patronising? You want me to believe I'm not here as a prisoner but as a guest. You want me to trust you, to believe you only had my best interest at heart when you abducted me from my own home. And yet you lie to me- even if it is by omission- and treat me like a fool.”

“He's strong and resourceful,” he replied after a pregnant silence.

“That doesn't answer my original question.”

“It's the only answer I have.”

“The only one you have? Or the only one you're willing to give?”

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