Chapter 19

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Oliver found Thea sitting in the kitchen munching on an apple, a glass of water on the counter before her. "Hey, have you heard the news?"

He sat down beside her. "It's been pretty hard to miss."

She took another bite, the sound of crunching apple amplified in the quiet area. "I always thought Malcolm was kinda creepy. That slick smile coupled with the egotistical streak... He totally never fooled me."

"Of course he didn't."

She made a face at him. "Mock me all you want. Remember that time I thought Mom was having an affair with him and I freaked out?" He nodded. "That's because I knew he was a whack job." She slammed a hand down on the counter for emphasis.

Oliver looked at her sceptically. "You told me that you were merely concerned that she was cheating on Walter?"

She shrugged. "Semantics, brother dear." She drained her water glass. "Bottom line, I knew Malcolm had a dark side."

Oliver shook his head at her. Thea was something else. "Where is our Mother?"

"In her room. I don't think she's taking the news very well. I mean think about it – imagine knowing someone practically all your life and never once suspecting that he was a sadistic killing machine?" She shuddered. "In her shoes, I'd probably be a basket case."

The irony of her statement wasn't lost on Oliver. Although he was a far cry from a sadistic killing machine.

He heard footsteps approaching. Turning towards the door he saw Tommy enter. He looked awful; haggard and tired, like he'd been through the worst day of his life. The reality was, he probably had been.

Thea was the first one out of her seat. She rushed over and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Tommy." Her tone was sympathetic and compassionate.

Oliver marvelled at her ability to be flippant one moment and caring the next. Despite all her protestations to the contrary, his sister had a heart of gold.

He watched as Tommy returned her embrace. "Thanks, Speedy." They drew apart. "Mind if I talk to Ollie in private?"

"No, of course not." She grabbed what was left of her apple. "I'll be with Mom," she said to Oliver as she walked out.

The silence following her departure was awkward and fraught with tension. "Oliver-"


Both spoke at the same time. The action seemed to relieve some of the strain. Tommy walked over and sat down in the seat Thea had just vacated. "I have a lot to say and I'd appreciate it if you'd just listen." He glanced sideways at Oliver.


Tommy took a deep breath. "First off, I need to apologise to you. The past few months I've behaved like a complete jackass and it's actually a miracle that you're still talking to me. I guess when I finally found out about you I was angry – not so much that you didn't tell me, but that you never had any intention of telling me at all." He kept his eyes focussed on the granite counter. "It made me feel as though you had no faith in our friendship – no faith in me – and that hurt more than anything else. It was only after I talked with Felicity this morning-"

"Wait. What? You talked with Felicity before she was kidnapped?" Oliver was confused.

"She didn't tell you?" At Oliver's negative response, he continued. "I ran into her at Big Belly. I-uh-I was trying to convince her to stay away from you." He glanced at Oliver, clearly embarrassed. "Anyway, she gave me an earful and told me some hard truths: Namely that as your supposed best friend, you deserved my loyalty and I owed you an opportunity to explain things. She was right."

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