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Dave's POV

"And then Sarah's boyfriend gave her that ring." Stella explained.

I was playing dolls with her and she was giving me the all the details.

She pulled out the ring from the plastic drawer and handed it to me.

"This is huge. Why is it so big?" I exclaimed, staring at the huge plastic ring. For doll world, this was pretty big.

"Because he's a kajillionaire!" She yelled, annoyed. My eyes went wide.

"Kajillionaire? How'd he do that?" I asked, maybe a little to invested in Sarah's boyfriend.

"People give him money cause he's so nice to them." She explained. I laughed to myself.

"If only."

I looked around the room, my eyes meeting the window.

Now- Y/N's house is right next to ours. Meaning her window is directly in front of Stella's

This meant she was changing.

And right now, she was stripped down to her lace underwear.

"Holy-" I whispered, trying to lean forward. My leg hit something and I instantly retreated, snapping back to doll world.

"Dave! You knocked over Jessica!" Stella squealed, picking up the doll. I apologized before looking back to the window, to find Y/N looking out of it straight to me.

She was still stripped down.

"Dave?" She said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah?" I responded, interested. She rolled her eyes.

"To the mailbox. Now."

I suddenly wasn't so keen on talking now.

I sighed before leaning back to my original spot.

Stella was looking at me, her arms crossed.

"You're in trouble." She sang, laughing. I rolled my eyes and stood up, leaving her room.

I went downstairs and walked out the front door, slowly making my way to the mailbox.

I stood next to mine, leaning against it.

Y/N eventually walked out here front door, wearing clothes.

Not that I actually expected her to walk out here in that lace. One could dream, right.

She walked up to the mailbox and propped her elbows on it.

"Did you enjoy the private show, perv?" She sighed sarcastically. I tried to laugh.

"I'm going to assume that was rhetorical." I said, giving a dry laugh.

She didn't laugh.

"Any reason in particular you were staring at me in my underwear?" She continued.

"Well, I mean- it's not hard on the eyes..."

"Dave." She warned. I shut myself up.

"You-" she sighed. "Do you really only talk to me because of my body?"

My eyes went wide.

"What? No." I said like it was obvious. "You're like the kindest person I've ever met."

She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

"No like really. You're so sweet and smart. And, like, hilarious and just a genuine person-"

"Dave, I get it." She laughed this time. The blush on her cheeks had grown.

"You really think that?" She asked.

"No, I'm talking to the mailbox." I joked. She laughed, her eyes shutting.

She calmed down, getting her breathing back.

"Really. You're-" I sighed. "Amazing."

This made her blush even more.

"Are you doing anything Saturday?" She spoke up, leaning over the mailbox.

  I was definitely taken by surprise.

"Me? Uh- no." I responded. She nodded.

"Do you wanna go out for lunch, or something?" She asked.

"Yes. I mean- yeah, I guess." I tried to play off.

"Great." She smiled. She did a little jump to kiss my cheek.

And with that, she skipped back inside.

The place she kissed on my cheek still tingled, causing my fingers to graze over it.

I don't know what the hell just happened-

But Saturday couldn't come any slower.
A/N: heya so quick q

sweet Dylan
  sexy Dylan
comment and let me know <3

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