Chapter Seventeen

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| Your POV |

You arrive home at ten that night. Honey Lemon is still awake. She's sitting on her bed, reading a book.

"There you are," She says as you walk in. "What have you been doing? What happened to your cheek? It's swollen!"

You slam the door. "Why didn't you tell me?" You ask angrily.

"Tell you what? ___, let me get you some ice."

"Why didn't you tell me that you're a part of the Big Hero 6? That all of you are?"

She frowns. "Who told you?"

"Fred," You answer.

"He was supposed to talk to Hiro first," She says.

"Why? You couldn't just tell me?"

"We were going to, ___, but it seemed a little dangerous for you."

"Dangerous?" You ask. She nods. "What's dangerous is getting jumped in the middle of nowhere and not being able to protect yourself! That's dangerous!" You point to your cheek.

"___! You were jumped?"

"Yeah. But it doesn't matter. The cops were called, I'm alive. What matters is that you never told me. You guys told me that I was a part of the group. But I never really was." Tears fill your eyes. "I tell you everything, Honey. You're my best friend."

"___, it just wasn't my secret to tell. I'm sorry."

You open your mouth to speak, but you're silenced by the ringing of a phone. Honey Lemon picks up her cellphone and holds it up to her ear. "Hello? Hiro. What is it? Yeah. Sure, I'll be right down."

"We're all meeting up at Hiro's place." She purses her lips. "You should come. You're right. You need to be involved."

You give a small smile. "I'm sorry," You say.

"No need to be," She replies. She takes your hand and squeezes it gently. "You really are my best friend." She smiles kindly before saying, "Now let's go."

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