Chapter Eight

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| Fred's POV |

The next morning, Fred is standing in front of your lab door once again. He knocks softly. You look up from your desk and say, "Hi, Fred."

"Can I come in?" He asks. You nod. Fred shifts the heavy box in his arms and steps inside. He sets it on your desk.

"What's this for?" You ask hesitantly.

"I feel bad for what I caused yesterday. And about your hands," He adds, looking down at the wrap around your palms. "So I bought you this."

He slides the box to you. You stand up and pull that flaps open. Your eyes widen at the sight of what's inside. "New equipment," You whisper.

"I'm really sorry, ___. I hope this is what you need."

You smile and shake your head. "This is more than enough. I- wow. This must've costed you a fortune."

"Not really," He says. "Oh. And if that's not enough, I'm treating you to a cappuccino today at Lucky Cat Cafe. If. . . if you want to come."

You look up at him. "Thank you, Fred. It means a lot. Yeah. I'd love to come."

"Don't thank me. I broke everything in the first place." He smiles. "I'd better get out of here before I break something else." He turns away.

"Wait," You call out. Fred turns around. "I'm sorry," You say. "I overreacted. I shouldn't of been angry. Thank you, Fred. Thank you so, so much. Can you forgive me?"

"There's nothing to forgive," He states.

"Okay. Friends?" You hold out your hand.

Fred takes it. "Friends." And it doesn't surprise Fred that he feels the exact same way as he did yesterday, as he held your hurt hands in his.

Say You Like Me (Fred x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now