Fluff to fill the crack in your soul cause by everything in 2005

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"Sold to the young friends with the snapbacks!" The auctioneer called out, because apparently buying a property involved an auction as if multiple people wanted to live near the chaos of Gerard and Frank.

Pete laughed at the idea that he and Mike were 'friends' especially when the fact that Pete and Mikey had a shared jacket around their shoulders and had crossed the line of 'no homo' beyond the point of no return.

However he knew pointing out how he was attracted to everyone ever expect the homophobes because they were ugly on the inside was a bad idea.

So they went up to be business-y and it was a quick decision that Pete should put the jacket over his vaguely offensive shirt because fashion was as important to Pete as his 'MOANER BONER' shirt.

"Alright just sign here and the place is yours." The auctioneer pointed at the contract like he'd rather they'd be signing his death warrant.

So they did and they were suddenly owners of 5 vaguely barren rooms.

They'd need to go shopping.


Pete was disagreeable to almost everyone, especially the lady at the cash  register.

He had left Mikey who was loading up furniture in his car to go buy 'bed linen' and all that house-y sh*t, so he had chosen some black pillow cases, and black matching sheets.

He had also picked out a houseplant.

In a black pot.

This action could only be explained in the simple and horrific phrase;

"All these items are black sonny..."

The cashier was very skeptical.

"Yeah. That's why I picked them." He was done, this was his culture. He didn't pick the emo life the emo like picked him.

Or if he was 12 he could say that the it crawled out from the depth of hell and dragged him down. rawr! XD

"Alrighty then, renovating?" She was unfazed by Pete's hostile attitude,

"Uh, moving house."

Why was she so nosy? Her life couldn't possibly be so boring that she was depending on Pete to bring her joy.

"That's always fun, who are you moving  with?" Her tone indicated that she was not having 'fun'.

"My boyfriend."

She showed some emotion, and that was horrific disgust. So the barbie behind Pete could have a hair-do that involved backcombing till her hair was higher that she, and her red eyes appeared to be but Pete Wentz could have, let alone move in with, his loving boyfriend.

Needless to say he hurried up his transaction to go find Mikey.


"You bought all black?" Mikey said, looking in the bags when the got back to their car and inspected his purchases.


"That is why I love you." He kissed Pete's temple.

"Glad you like it, let's go to our home, and set up our bed and eat in our kitchen and pretend I didn't forget to buy our coffee machine and sleep in our bed."

And that sounded pretty brilliant to Mikey, so he drove home to destroy their relationship with IKEA furniture.

Mikey out the key in the door, but before he could open it Pete grabbed his arm,

"Wait. You have to carry me inside!"


"Because it's romantic..." He raised his arms as Mikey picked him up and carried him in bridal style.

"Thank you. I love you." Pete said, and he kissed Mikey right on the threshold of their new apartment. He was looking forward to kissing Mikey as often as he could because Mikey couldn't escape to go fold the laundry.

"Hey babe, Ready to build a bed?" Mikey said, putting him down and sitting on the furniture left by the previous owners, which was everything but a bed. Mikey was okay with that because beds aren't always for sleeping, a comment Pete agreed with,

"The adult version of build-a-bear."

"Stop before I throw this wrench at you, you horrible babe"

Pete hindered the bed building process by making Mikey sit on him so he could kiss his neck and the jawline he had definitely grown into, to calm him down when he was angry at the instructions for being so unbelievably illegible.

They, meaning Mikey did all the labour and Pete did all the kissing but the bed was made and that mattered because more cuddles was what actually mattered.


Gerard was fully aware that Pete and Mikey had just moved in, and felt violated.

He and Frank's role as the hella gay neighbours with a questionable relationship was being taken away.

He could just feel the cute coming from their apartment and decided being even cuter with Frank just to feel more secure in his own homosexuality.

"Hey Frankie, can we have a movie night?" Gerard asked, when Frank came home, looking gorgeous as usual become somehow when he was flustered he was still the most beautiful person, hands down.

"Like you need to ask, I'm always down for Netflix and chill."

"No, a a proper movie night where we watch a serious of film and cuddle and be cuter than our new neighbours."

"I don't think we could even be cuter but I'm willing."

"Great. Pizza and pyjamas?"

"Could we possibly be watching films that have corresponding characters to our pyjama pants?"

"You and your comic book pyjamas...yes."


And Frank dropped his satchel and scurried off to put on his Captain America pyjama pants, while Gerard ordered an absurd amount of pizza for two 28 year old boys.

They settled down, and had to watch Captain America because otherwise Frank would have to change and that meant less time that Frank would be setting on Gerard.

"I love you,husband." Frank said, nuzzling into Gerard's neck.

"I love you, husband."

"We need a honeymoon..."

"I know..."

"But I don't ever want to get up from your lap..."

Gerard pulled Frank in for another kiss, and was impossibly more in love with him.

Then the door rang Gerard got up, a mistake because he was underneath the majority of Frank and that upset the balance of husbands, pillows and blankets.

But the balance was restored because Pizza filled the cracks of the soul and warned the heart (and the parts that the blanket didn't cover).

Frank ended up falling asleep on Gerard, snoring sweetly and looking like a genuine angel, and he was so gorgeous Gerard couldn't bear to disturb him so he tried to gently pull the blanket around him and cuddle in because the couch was small, but not as small as his beautiful husband who he couldn't stand not sleeping next to when he had the chance.

Ooh M is updating and being a kool Kat. Vote and comment to join my Kool Kat gang.
-M x

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