Home is where you can leave your socks

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Frank Iero lived for his couch. It was warm and never seemed to run out of cushions, no matter how many he threw at Gerard.

Gerard Way-Iero, the f*cking babe.

They had gotten married a week ago, and were going to go on a honeymoon, eventually. They just weren't good at planning.

He was waiting for the aforementioned babe to come back home, but he couldn't be lonely when Gerard was all around him. Gerard had splattered paint on one of the walls, in an attempt to get the last out of the tube.

Gerard had declared that wall his art wall and had painted directly on it.

And Frank was almost as in love with the art as he was the artist.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, the door clicked and Gerard called out-

"I'm home!"

"Yay!" Frank propped himself up on his elbows, and endured a sigh from his husband;

"Have you moved at all today?"

"Yes. Your dirty socks where under the cushions and it was very uncomfortable, so had to get up."

"Like the princess and the pea."

"Yeah, no. Dirty socks aren't cool."

"I wouldn't call fairy tales cool."

"You're not cool."

"I don't wanna be cool!"

"That's okay, you aren't."

"You hurt my feelings, kiss them better?"

Gerard looked at Frank who sighed at his husband's cheesy line. They were married, he could have just asked for a kiss:

Either way Frank was more than happy to oblige to Gerard's request.

He'd say his life was pretty perfect- he had a nice apartment (he got without the help of the homophobic agent), a fair job waiting tables at the local cafe  and, most importantly, his stunning husband.

Gerard sat down, on Frank's lap and kissed him, till he fell back onto the couch bringing Frank with him- he liked where the kiss was going till he grunted and Frank sat up.

He pulled a sock out from under the cushions.

"Okay. I see your point."

"See, you have too many socks."

"Too many socks, not enough cuddles."

"If it's cuddles you want I'm here!" Frank flung his arms out before Gerard wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him down into his chest.

And they stayed there till Frank fell asleep and Gerard was trapped under something along the lines of the world's cutest paperweight.


"I'm home!" Mikey yelled, hanging his cap on the coat stand at his family home and hoped that Pete would be here.

Pete had gotten used to hanging out with Mikey's parents when Mikey was out, mainly at school.

Mikey was finally a officer in the New Jersey Police Department- after a ridiculous amount of study.

Pete thought it was hilarious, and tried to make Mikey commit minor crimes. He took Mikey's becoming a police officer completely ironic, his jokes only stopping when they started to get uncomfortably kinky, as everything with Pete Wentz was.
Mikey was ready to murder Pete, no matter how long he spent in jail.

"Hello Mikey! How was your day?"

Great. It was just his mum. He and Pete needed to get their own place, but he had school and Pete had whatever Pete had...but still, they had been together 9 years and that still wouldn't compensate anytime apart.

"Hey mama, is Pete here?"

"My day was great, thanks for asking." His mum sighed, she had 9 years of asking about Pete and Mikey never seemed to stop. She was vaguely glad though, he had someone who loved him.

"No, but I'm sure he'll call around, go out on some sweatpants and get comfy."

"Okay, thanks Ma."

Sweatpants were Mikey's second favourite things aside from Pete. He was so in love, his ideal situation would to cuddle with Pete in his sweatpants and possibly watch some bad TV.

Mikey was a fan of reality TV and he wasn't ashamed.

He was walking around in his sweatpants when he heard the door open and close, and he was very happy.

"I've brought Chinese food!" Pete yelled, and Mikey ran down stairs.

Both he and Pete were happy with what they saw, meaning Chinese food and a half-naked boy.

The unfortunate thing was Pete's eyes were in line with Mikey's nipples, because Pete was still the size of a goblin. That meant Pete always had a sore neck from having to look up at Mikey.

That was cool though because it meant Mikey was more inclined to give him a massage or something of the sort.

"I brought some food!" Pete declared yet again, setting the boxes down on the bench.

"Seriously Pete, you don't need to do stuff like this, but thank you." Donna said,

"Well, I spend 90% of my time here and I don't pay any rent, so I'll offer some noodles." Pete pulled Mikey onto the couch.

Wisely enough the Way parents retreated, leaving the boys in the living room.

"Well babe, how was your day?" Pete asked as he and Mikey sat and failed to use chopsticks.

"Great, how was yours?"

"Good, I saw the weirdest couple at the Chinese Restaurant- they were wearing long slung jeans and when I happened to gaze on their arses I noticed the waist band of their underpants had 'Mrs' and 'Mr'. They also had those weird feather-y things and strips of dye in their hair, so it seems scene culture isn't dead."

"Straight couples are weird."

"Well, we should totally get matching boxers. That is the next stage in or relationship."

"No, the next stage is getting or own apartment. We have more important investments than underwear." Mikey laughed, getting an apartment just gave Pete more time to be in his underwear.

"Good point. You're a 22 year old living with your parents."

"And you're a 22 year old living with your boyfriend's parents."

"I see your point, tomorrow. Right now I suggest a crappy comedy movie and cuddles and I will do my best to avoid poking you with my chopsticks."

"Deal." Mikey kissed Pete's forehead and they enjoyed another night of being adorable, the only thing that Pete was undoubtedly brilliant at doing that wasn't vaguely questionable.

What do you think?
I'm still having second thoughts about the title so if anyone has suggestions feel free to comment!
I love you all
-M x

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