Cliche like your mum and I

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Everyone smelled like B.O and Gerard was not having any of that in his house.

He had spent a small fortune of scented candles and was not about to have his pine fresh aesthetic ruined by his stinky brother.

He was also not paying for water for 4 people so that meant pairing up. He called dibs on Frank, as if there was going to be a dispute.

So he and Frank turned the stereo up as loud as they could without even more complaints from the nigh ours and got down to business.

It certainly wasn't the cleanest shower, in contrast it was quite dirty.

When the got out and dried off they just laughed, this was their life- they got to spend every second doing whatever they wanted with the love of their lives. And to Gerard, the fanatical geek who was afraid of the whole entire universe and what he didn't know about it- that was worth smiling about.

He and Frank shared shirts 90% of the time because when left to dress himself Frank chose cardigans and that really clashed with Gerard's aesthetic.
He loved Frank and was determined to fit him into his not-emo-not-dad-black-and-red aesthetic.

"Hey Mikes, you and Pete want a shower?"

Which even though Mikey was ace he was fine with because nudity is not inherently sexual.

And so Pete and Mikey, very cautiously went into their bathroom slightly afraid of what might of been left behind because the stereo wasn't that loud and Pete and Mikey weren't that stupid.

And needless to say the bathroom wasn't as pristine as they had hoped.

But hey showering together was fun because Pete had horrible balanced and nearly always slipped, and that was hilarious.

"You idiot." Mikey chucked a towel at Pete,

"I'm your idiot." Pete said, throwing the cheesiest smile with the cheesiest line at Mikey.

"Very happily so." Mikey said, and pulled him in for a kiss.

It had been approximately 24 hours since the last time they kissed and Pete cousins handle much more than that, people said he and Mikey were joined at the hip- always kissing and holding hands and being cute losers- however Pete didn't even want to consider what it would be like without having Mikey in one hand because he could assume without that they're would be a hell load of weed in the other hand.

"We should go out for brunch." Pete said, pulling his dirty clothes on.

"One- you're definitely not cool enough to use the word 'brunch' and Two- we're wearing our clothes from yesterday and no one is going to assume that we washed them. At least not with you."

"Okay. Your place, then out for breakfast-lunch?"

"Deal. I'm driving."

So they ran out and drove back to Mikey's house like the 'Rebels' they were. Mikey had known Pete since he was 13 and was convinced he hadn't grown up in the slightest- especially since he acted like a 5 year old when he was 13.

They changed with minimal kissing. And by minimal they kissed so often that they might as well have been dressing in the same shirt. Another literal take to being attached to each other at the hip.

"Let's go. I think pancakes are on the agenda."

"Glad, we aren't going to some hipster place that uses duck's eggs in their pancake batter and only free range blueberries and all that bullsh*t." Mikey said, his hatred for the paleo species undeniable.

"Let's go, our maple syrup quest commences." Pete said, his voice dramatically low, to suggest he was a hero in search when in all honestly he was a Damsel in Pancake Themed Distress.

"No, you aren't allowed maple syrup unless you wear a bib."

"When did you become my mother?"

"At 13 I become your daddy." Mikey winked, making another misleading but brilliant jokes, and earning another well justified punch on the arm.


"Pete, babe- you have something on your chin." Mikey leant over and actually wiped the maple syrup off Pete's chin like Pete was his son not his boyfriend of 9 years.

"Thanks." Pete laughed, and Mikey considered throwing himself into the sun because that would blind him less than Pete Wentz's brilliant smile. 9 years of living with the human epitome of sunshine and he could never get used to hoe gorgeous he was when he smiled, if 13 year old Mikey thought he was attractive when he had a emo fringe and a wing of eyeliner thicker than the homophobic's populations skull then 22 year old Mikey was not ready for how beautiful he was.

"Absolutely stunning. I think I'm in love." Mikey joked, falling dramatically to his side like a princess waiting on her prince, or princess because if Mikey was going to use a analogy he was going to make it gay.

"Well I'm more in love."

"I question that. How can you be more in love than me when I am so desperately infatuated with you."

"I don't understand what infatuated means but I'm more than you."

"How about we set your vocabulary and this silly discussion aside and you just kiss me?"

So Pete kissed Mikey, and it was magical as always, and Mikey was impossibly more in love and Pete proved that yes- he loved Mikey just as much as Mikey loved him.

When they pulled apart Pete sighed, leaning into Mikey's side,

"It's times like this when I wished we lived together, properly. Because I would like to go to our own home and cuddle with you and watch a movie and be able to fall asleep without your mother asking us to move groceries around."

"I get it, but it is 1:00 and if you fall asleep now you're going to f*ck up your sleep schedule even more."

"Is that possible?" Pete laughed

"Well no, because when we sleep together you always sleep better so as cliche as it is I do want to wake up with you every morning but not make breakfast because each time you manage to hurt yourself- if you say pansexual aren't explain yourself and the the fry pan."

"It was a serious of untimely mistakes."

"So your life?"

"Apart from a few choice moments, most involving you, yes pretty much."

"Well. If that isn't the sweetest thing you've ever said." And Mikey kissed Pete's cheek because the moment was sweet and kisses were mandatory.

How's your life? Mine is good- trash cans don't have to go to school so all it amazing.
-M x

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