Chapter 1(Part 2)

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    “So what’s for dinner?” Rin asked, plopping down on my living room couch.

I came out of the kitchen and put my hands on my hips. “And who says you’re staying for dinner?” I teased.

“It’s an unwritten rule among friends and besides, your cooking is five-star chef material.”

“So good you could marry the cook?”

His face flushed once again. “I wouldn’t joke about that sort of thing if I were  you.”

“Right because someone could marry me for just that.”  I snorted and walked upstairs, carrying my sword with me.

  I put my sword away and went into my bathroom to treat the burns the Nogitsune’s tail left on my arm. After I applied an ointment on my wounds and wrapped my bandage. I looked in the mirror and saw Rin standing in the doorway.

“Now that I think about it, cooking really is your only redeeming quality.” I threw the ointment packet at him with my good arm and he ducked just in time. “Blister balm?” he asked, holding it up.

I tugged down my sleeve over my bandage. “I burned myself on the stove.” I pushed past him “ If you’re going to stay, you have to help me cook.”

He gave a heart-felt sigh. “I suppose it’s only fair.”

  Rin helped me make the home made sauce and tried to stick his finger in the pot when I tapped his hand with my wooden spoon. I poured the sauce over the noodles I drained and it was time to eat. Right on cue, the front door opened.

“Hi dad,” I called.

“Penelope,” he said, coming in and kissing me on the forehead.

“Hey Mr. Scott.” Rin greeted, as he set the table.

Dad waved in greeting.

“My, something smell delicious in here.’ I heard a woman voice say as she joined us I the kitchen. I stared at the woman who entered. She wore a navy pencil skirt and a matching blazer.  Black pumps were on her feet and she had black curly hair pulled back into a ponytail. She gave us all a blinding white smile.

Dad cleared his throat. “Penelope, I’d like you to meet Ms. Evelyn Watson.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you in person. Your father has told me so much about you.” Evelyn said shaking my hand.

It’s weird, because he never mentioned you. I thought.   I forced a smile. “Nice to meet you too.”

Dad catches Rin standing uncomfortably near the table. “And this is her friend, Rin.” Rin raises his hand in greeting. Dad turns to him. “Um Rin, I think it’s best if you go on home tonight. Penelope will fix your plate.”

I frown. Don’t tell me this is because of her! But I knew it was so. I pass Rin, giving him an apologetic look as I fix his plate.

“I’m so sorry.” I whisper to him as I hand it over.

He smiles. “It’s okay. Good luck.”

I walk him to the door. “Thanks.  See you tomorrow.”

“I’ll call you.” 

  I close the door behind him and head back to the kitchen where dad and his lady friend are already seated. I join them and we pass around the bowls of spaghetti and garlic bread.

“So honey, how was Alcatraz?” dad asked, trying to make conversation.

“It was interesting. How was work?”

“It was fine. The boys pulled in a big red snapper that nearly tipped the boat over.” Dad was a fisher men and would often come home smelling like his job and salty sea water. He entertained us with another story of the day thought what I really wanted to know was more about Evelyn and why she was with my father.

“Your father practically lives on that boat. I don’t know how you can stand it.” Evelyn told me. “I had to literally drag him away.’

I shrugged. “Well he is a fisherman. What do you do exactly?” I asked

“I’m co-owner of a gourmet sea food restaurant, Seaside Sensations. You probably heard of it?” I shake my head no. “Then I should bring you and your father in sometime for a bite. You’ll love it. I should probably put your taste buds to the test with my chef’s cooking. How finely you cook, you might find them lacking.”

I just smiled. Don’t flatter me. I thought. And if she fares so well then what is she doing with my middle class father, a fisherman? How did they even meet?

“Yep, my little Nelly is quite the cook. I don’t know where she gets it from.” Dad said, smiling.

Oh you know, it’s just a little fox fire.

“And you’re so pretty.” She quipped. “I bet you have the boys pining for you. Do you have a boyfriend?”

Never officially. “Not at the moment.”

“That’s good. Never get yourself tied down too quickly. See what’s out there.”

And is that what you’re doing? I try to give my father a look, but he seemed more interested in his food then the conversation. He probably shut down at the mention of boys.

“I’m curious,” Evelyn continued. “Why’d you dye your hair blue? In your dad’s picture, your hair was blond.”

“It’s a self-statement.” I said

She studies me for a moment and it makes me uncomfortable. “Do you plan on changing it back?”

“Why you don’t like it?” I snap.

“Penelope, dad said. “It was just a question.”

I glared at her and she smiled in return.  “I just think blond hair better suits you.”

“It was an old picture.” I muttered.

“If you like Penelope, maybe you and I can spend some girl time together. Maybe go to a hair salon.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “I’ll go get the salad.” I said, leaving the table.

I haven’t known her more than ten minutes and she thinks she has the right to criticize me? I studied a strand of my hair, before taking out the macaroni  salad I stowed in the fridge. I grabbed the bowls and look at the plant sitting on the window sill. Well she did say she liked my cooking… I made the plates and spooned some soil on herd.

  Carrying them like a professional waitress, I set them down on the table, making sure to enchant Evelyn’s so she didn’t see her specialized meal. She took a big bite of her salad rolled her eyes back in ecstasy as she chewed.

I swallowed a laugh. She had no idea who she was messing with.

AN: Since some of you were saying that five pages were, "too long" for a first chapter, I split it up for your convience. I also put the paragrpahs closer together, but if future chapters' paragraphs are far a part in the future, you'll have to deal with it because it's a a waste of time, back spacing all those paragraphs. For some reason when I paste my chapters here, they do that. Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you continue reading because there's juicy stuff up ahead and tell me your thoughts.

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