Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

        Despite the school day ending, I still couldn’t shake Kieran’s request from my mind. I tried to distract myself with Rin’s Inuyasha comics, but even Shippo’s endearing antics and Sesshomaru’s hotness couldn’t bring me out of my state of mind. Ii was time for different distraction.

“What are you doing all the way over there?” I asked Rin. He was sitting at his drawing desk reading another book while I was lying on his bed with my feet propped against the wall. He looked up and gave me an inquiring look. “Come read with me.”

  He hesitated for a second before he came and joined me on the bed, lying in the same position as me.  He held the book away from his face as he read. I scooted in a little closer to read along, my head was almost on his shoulder and I heard his breathing hitch.  I suppressed a smile and pretended not to notice.

“So,” Rin said, trying to break the awkwardness of the moment. “You know how I’ve been telling you about the anime conventions that come to town? How would you like to go to one?”

“Really?”  Asked, sitting up. “So you’re saying, you’re taking me?”

He nodded. “This Saturday, if you’re free.”

“I’m totally in!”


  The animalistic sound made my body go rigid. It sounded like it was coming from underneath the bed. To be certain, I grabbed Rin’s book and threw in under the bed and a cat shot out. I shrieked and stood up on the bed. Rin sat u in high alert, aware of my panic. When he saw the cat, he relaxed.

“Calm down Nel, It’s just my mom’s cat, Cosmo.” He picked up the blue eyes, gray haired imp and it purred in his arms as he petted its fur. It looked at me and hissed, it fur bristling along its body.  My lip curled back. Rin laughed. “Did you just snarl at my cat? Really Nel, he won’t hurt you.” He held the cat out to me and I scrambled back.

‘Rin come near me with that thing and I swear.”

“Alright, alright I won’t make you hold him.” He looked at Cosmo and said, “What are you doing in here? I could have sworn I put you away this morning,”

  As he walked out with it, I relaxed and slumped down on the bed. Every Kitsune hated cats because they scared us back into our original form. I didn’t know the exact reason why, especially since we’re in the same family as canines. I leaned over the bed and reached for the book I threw under it when I came back up with the book, I heard voices downstairs. Rin’s and someone else’s.

“I don’t care if you didn’t have practice today,” I heard the unknown voice say. I did know the voice was male. “I told you to stay after and do drills. That college scout is coming to your next game.”

“I’ll be on my best performance when he gets here.” Rin stated, his voice slightly annoyed. “Couldn’t I just take a day off? Coach has been on our cases every practice.”

“See that’s your problem now. If your mother didn’t let you quit when you were in Little League, you wouldn’t be so lazy and rusty now.” Something hit the floor. “Don’t stare at your phone screen while I’m talking to you!”

  Just then my phone beeped with a message. I took it out of my pocket and read the text: Dad’s here. I’ll sneak you out when he goes away. I frowned at the screen.

   We’ve been friends for a year and I’ve yet to meet his parents. He says they’re weird and he’s doing me a favor by not letting me meet them, but I’m still curious. How weird is weird? Surely not on my level of weirdness. And didn’t he say his father was always nagging him about not having a girlfriend? I smiled to myself. I think I can change that. I grabbed the book I retrieved and bounced downstairs.

“Rin” I called. “Could you tell me again which one of these guys are Hik,,,aru.”I stopped when they both looked up at me. Rin had a look of panic on his face while his father stared at me with confusion.

“Rin,” his father said slowly, “who is this?”

“”Uh dad, this is my friend Penelope.”

I chuckled and sauntered to his side. “Don’t be so embarrassed by me sweetie.” I said, linking my arm through his. “I’m his girlfriend.” I told his father. “He’s still not used to the term. It’s nice to meet you Mr. Oswald.” I grabbed his hand to shake.

“Girlfriend?” His father balked.

I put the manga book in Rin’s hand. “I should be getting home.. My dad’s probably wondering where I am.” I kissed Rin on the cheek. “And I’ll see you tomorrow.” Rin’s face was as red as his hair and I left him in a sputtering mess while his father seemed to still be in shock.

   I laughed once I was out the door. I wonder what his dad would make of the situation. What did Rin think about it? At least he didn’t have to worry about his father questioning his sexuality anymore.

“You’re welcome,” I said to no one in particular.


I'm not really a fan of short chapters and this was original supposed to be on the preivious chapter, but I decided to give it its own space. Anyway, comment, vote and tell your friends!

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