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age 18

it felt like it took forever for their senior year to end. graduation is today, and calum is nervous for some reason. it feels just too good to be true.

even though this year has been tough, ashton and him have made it through it. luckily, they were both accepted to the same university and they've already picked out the apartment they'll be staying in. the only thing left to do is move in.

calum runs his hand through his hair a final time before meeting his mom, mali, and ashton outside of their house.

on the way to graduation, ashton can't help but admire his beautiful boyfriend.

"quit staring," calum says playfully.

"but you're just so cute, cally," ashton smiles, pinching calum's adorable cheeks lightly.

calum blushes a little and ashton gives him a small kiss on his nose.

"i love you," ashton says with a bright smile.

"i love you, too," calum replies before giving ashton a chaste kiss on the lips.

when they arrive at graduation, ashton feels a little disappointed knowing that his parents won't be there, but at this point he's not sure he's want them to be anyway.

after hours of speeches and giving out awards, their principal finally begins giving out the diplomas.

calum gets his first and smiles brightly when the principal hands him the piece of paper.

calum is waiting for ashton when he gets his diploma, and he pulls him in for a hug.

calum's mom forces the two to take pictures, but they don't stay for the after party. they have other plans that involve each other.

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