Starbucks Lovers

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A/N Here is a really cute one. No angst. Just fluff. Hope you enjoy.

Dan POV:

Ugh. Work is boring. Not that there's anything wrong with starbucks but nothing ever happens. Until that one day.

A boy with raven black hair and blue eyes you could melt in. I guess I must have been staring because he cleared his throat. Which being my scared me and I ended up throwing cups everywhere.

The blue eyed boy chuckled.

"Sorry." I said and laughed.

"Would you like some help?" I nodded and he jumped behind the counter. He started picking up the cups that I dropped.

My hands where moving picking up cups but my eyes were on him. His slender form covered with a Muse t shirt and black skinny jeans. It took all my will to not jump on him and hug him.

He looked up at me so I quickly looked down. I felt my face go red. My hand reached for the last cup. Blue eyes did the same and his hand landed on top of mine. If it was possible I turned even more red.

He looked up at me. "I really want to kiss you." He stated.

I chuckled. "I wouldn't mind if you did." His pale face turned a shade of pink.

"Did I say that out loud?" I laugh and nod. He moves his hand and I grab the cup. He hops on the counter facing me.

"Well then. Come closer." He said. I must have looked confused because he continued saying, "You said you wouldn't mine kissing me."

I laugh and move closer, putting my hands around his neck. "You're really pretty." I tell him while brushing his fringe out of his face. "I never got your name."

"I'm Phil. And I believe you are Dan." He says gesturing to my name tag.

"You believe correctly." I laugh and lean in to him. My lips meet his. He wraps his arms around me and moves his hands into my hair.

I then here the bell thatbrings every time someone enters. I pull away and help him down. A boy around the age of 14 walks up to the counter.

"Hi, can I get a caramel frap please." He asks quietly.

"Sure. Name?" I ask the awkward boy who looks as though he could be mine and Phil's child. (A/N that's me if you haven't guessed yet)

"Spencer." He says so quickly that I almost didn't hear him. I come back with his drink.

"Here you go, sir." I say handing him his drink.

"You two are very cute together. I hope you go far together." He says and smiles. I smile back and look at Phil. I grab his hand in mine.

"Yeah. Me too."

A/N This is a bit shorter than usually but still better than nothing I hope.

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