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A/N I hope you enjoy this little piece I wrote.
Trigger warning: mentions of cutting and abuse.
Phil POV:

I hate school. I hate home. The only place I loved was my friend's house. That is until he became the school bully and beats me almost everyday.

My alarm goes off. I get ready and am out the door before either of my parents are up. I skip breakfast. But I'm used to not eating. My parents barley feed me. Saying that "it'll fix you. This will help fag." They don't understand. No one does. That's why I drag a razor across my wrist everyday.

I walk to school. Still a little sore from yesterday's beating. I slip passed the bullies and make it to my locker unnoticed. I walk to class but before I make it to class I get pushed into the lockers by none other than Dan Howell.

We used to be best friends but all he does now is beat me twice a day. Once if I'm lucky.

"Watch where you're going fag." He says and walks into the classroom. I get up and walk in after him, taking my seat in the back.

I've had a crush on him since I met him. I want to hate him but I just can't.


I walk to the library for break and just my luck Dan and his gang were there.

"Hey look guys. It's lonely Lester." Yells one of the guys behind Dan. Dan smirked and walked up to me. He pushes me to the floor. He looks guilty today. I never noticed how brown his eyes were. He stared at me and we stayed like that until one of his friends yell out.

"What's taking so long, Howell? Pound him!"

I raise my arms up as his fist connects with my nose. At this exact moment the librarian walks out. "Lester. Howell. Detention."


School ended and I head to the library for detention. I've never had it before and didn't know what to expect.

I didn't know what I was imagining. A bunch of boys in leather jackets smoking in the corner maybe. But no. It was just me and Dan.

The librarian stands up. "I'm going to run to the ladies room." She leaves the room and locks it. Since we are in a library I get up and look for a book. To my surprise so does Dan.

I try to ignore him and look for a book. My eyes find the Harry Potter series. I will always be a potterhead at heart. Dan's hand meets mine as we both reach for the 6th book in the series.

"I'm always a slut for JKR" he says and laughs. Why is he being so nice all of a sudden? Why is he not insulting me?

I just chuckle a bit and retract my hand.

"No that's okay. You can take it." Says Dan.

I stare at him utterly confused. And I get even more confused when he grabs it and hands it to me. "T-thanks." I mumbled and go sit down. He takes the seat next to me and I see he has chosen the 5th book.

"So, what's your favorite book in the series?" Asks Dan.

"Umm... half blood prince." I say quietly.

"Oh cool. Me too." He says smiling at me with his golden brown eyes.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask.

He doesn't answer. He stands up and reaches out for my hand. I hesitate at first but then grab his hand. He pulls me up and grabs my other hand to hold in his. He stares at me with his soft golden brown eyes. Then he looks down and takes a breath.

"I'm sorry Phil. I'm so sorry. For everything I've done to you. You deserve," he takes a breath and looks back up at me. He's tearing up and a tear escapes his eye. Which I wipe away with my thumb before placing my hand back in his.

"You deserve to be treated like a king Phil. You are beautiful and kind and sweet. You never even tried to fight back because you were afraid of hurting me. Even though I deserve to be in pain."

"No. You don't. No one does. No one deserves pain." I say.

He leans forward and kisses me. I kiss back. As he deepens the kiss he moves his hand up onto my wrist. I yelp in pain. Dan jumps back and realizes what happened.

He carefully lifts up my sleeve to reveal my newly cut wrists.

"Lion. Why?" He asks chocking on some of the words. (A/N the two word he said.)

I just looked down and said "I couldn't take it. With my parents verbally abusing me and you physically abusing me I had no safe place to escape. Until I did this." I say referring to my scars. Dan takes my hand and kisses each individual scar and I just cry silently. He looks up at me and wipes away my tears.

"Promise me, Lion. Promise me that when you are sad or lonely or feel like cutting. You come to me. Okay?" He says pecking me on the lips.

I nod.


"I promise." I say and he hugs me until we hear the door open. We both turn around to see the librarian.

"You are free to go home now." She says.

We nod and leave hand in hand. When we get to his house he kisses me goodbye. "Goodbye Lion." He says and pecks my lips one last time before he leaves to go inside.


The next day Dan walks up to me with his group. I was expecting a beating but what I got instead was Dan coming to hold my hand and turned to his group.

"I love Phil. If you don't like it. Leave." Says Dan.

His group looks at him in shock. Two guys who I believe their names are pj and Chris step forward. They're hands interlocked.

Pj spoke, "umm... we're dating. Have been for quite a while know. So, we're with you."

And turns out they were because they ended up being best friends for a long time.

A/N Well I hope you enjoyed. If you have any requests feel free to dm me. (Seriously bc I only have so many ideas)

Phan one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora