Journal Entry Two

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It's driving me mad. I want to ask them what they are thinking, if they know the truth about my curse. If I ask them and they don't know, then it gives them an opening to ask questions and I don't want them to ask.

I think I don't.

Since Emily told me about her curse yesterday, it's weird. Like I want to tell her things, as if I feel like I have an obligation to tell her. She shared so I should share. It was strange to see how easy it was for her to open up about it all. I think I know why. She was a good person in her story. Protecting her brother and all that. I destroyed a guy's self esteem.

What would it have been like if Paige had done that for me. Oh god, I'm literally laughing just thinking about it. Like she would ever do that for me. If she had been there she would have just stepped passed the old hag as she clawed out my heart, grabbed a mineral water and gone back to bed.

I'm not one for touchy feely emotional crap, but I do feel sorry for Emily. I hate pity, but her curse sucks. I've been dying to ask her a thousand questions since yesterday about it, but I've kept my trap shut. The biggest question I have is how does she bathe? I keep wondering if there is a secret swimming pool somewhere I don't know about that she uses to bathe, swim, learn mermaid acrobatics I don't know. It just seems like the bathtub in our bathroom is an inappropriate size for someone with a huge fish tail.

My scar freaked Lucas out, I can tell. He's been avoiding me since I kicked him out of our room yesterday. We bumped into each other once in the kitchen and he said something about Oreos and walked out.

Can dogs even eat Oreos? I'm pretty sure chocolate is bad for dogs.

Okay so I know he's not technically a dog. I really need to stop that. He didn't say anything to the Doc about our argument yesterday. I don't know if it was out of pity or he was offering an olive branch – or whatever that saying is – but I'm glad he didn't. The urge to tease him about Peyton is still strong but I've managed to keep it to myself. Twenty-four hours has to be a record not being snarky to someone. It's exhausting being considerate of others.

So I guess this is enough for today. Kestral walked by my room an hour ago and Zeke just creeped by (I don't get why no one else thinks he's weird). Hopefully he will say something to the Doc about me following his advice and put me in his good books.

Oh god, am I turning into one of those kiss asses trying to get the teacher to like me so I get better grades? Not cool.

This hasn't been therapeutic at all. This is still stupid.

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