Lineart and Note (please read)

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Ok first, here's a Lineart for a request from Instagram

And I want to say that request are closed!!

Reason why is because I've been REALLY busy lately...

I have three request to finish (including this one)

I have one week of summer left (*cries* ;-;) which means I'm busy getting ready for school

I still have to finish the next chapter for Apocalyptic Wastelands and it's still not close to being finished!!!

And I have that one art photo to draw for the chapter!!!

So please, please I beg you, do not, please do not, request anything!!!!

This is just to much for me to handle right now!!!

So please understand this guys and thank you if you do!!! I promise, I'll open requests when I'm not busy!! Thank you again!! :)

Artbook 3 [VERY OLD ART]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora