your my what?!?!?!

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Hopes P.O.V
Im honestly soooo confused as to why my own mother the one who gave birth to me told someone she has never met [as far as i know of anyway] that my father had passed in a car accident. I mean she probably couldnt tell me herself cause she might have thought it would be better if one of my friends told me , but i would have liked her to tell me so that the whole magcon family knows that have had a loss in my family.

Cams P.O.V
I am currently on the phone with my grandma asking her about this so called cousin that i have 'never met', like asking her what she looks like, how tall she is and how old she is... All of the drescriptions math hope and now im starting to understand as to why her mother told a 'stranger' to tell her daughter her own flesh and blood that her father had passed.

I quickly dial up her moms number [that i got from hopes phone so that if she needed to talk that i was always there for her to talk to] Once i dialed her number and it began to ring i started getting nervous what if i was wrong what if i had a cousin that looked similar to hope, but then again i could be right and hope is my cousin ive never met until today---- i was brought out of my thoughts when i realised hopes mom had answered the phone saying hello i said hey its cameron i have a few questions.

Hopes moms P.O.V
I have a few questions said cameron, oh no i knew this was going to happen, he figured out that hope was his cousin. I was brought out of my thoughts when cameron started asking questions
1.Does hope have a cousin she has never met?
2.Did hope have her last name changed?
3rd and final question.Is hope my cousin?

Camerons P.O.V
OMG im hopes cousin and she is my cousin that mean that i have to protect her from the boys and i have to be ther for her since her dad died[my uncle]and even if i didnt know him i can tell he was a great person because he raised a wonderful little lady and for that i am greatful because i know she had been raised in a good house hold and had a good childhood.

I am currently sitting in mine and the guys hotel room and i cant think straight because i just cant wrap my head around the fact that hope is my cousin dont get me wrong i think its cool but what if it gets out that i found out i have a long lost cousin that i just.. you know what scratch that i could care less weither people found out because all i have to do is tell the truth and i will be fine right????

Hopes P.O.V
Im in the girls room telling them what happened with my dad and they are in tears aswell am i because my dad was like a fatherly figure to them as much as he was to me i didnt even have to ask if they could come over they just walked through the door and screamed im home.

I need to talk to cam and see if he knows anything about us possibly being cousins, you know what i will go talk to him no im pretty sure he has found something useful by now and i just need someone to about all this long lost cousins stuff.. and with that i was off to find the magcon buys hotel room.

Camerons P.O.V
I hear a faint knock on the door and i know for a fact its not the boys because
1. They have a keycard
2.if they knocked [which they wouldnt] it would be louder. So i get up from my sitting position on the ed and make my way ove to the door only to be greeted by a small fram with tear stained cheeks and messy hair, as soon as the door was opened enough to et her in she grabbed onto my for dear life as if she were a baby koala clinging to its mother [the reason for the koala refrences is that they are hopes fav animal] and if she let go she would fall and get hurt so as soon as she was on me i wrapped my arms around her small frame and hugged her tight as if i never wanted her to leave[in a cousinly way of course] i brought her into the room kicked the door closed and sat on the bed and i looked down at her face she was crying silently and the sight of my family crying i started tearing up and finally crying right along with her so the rest of the time she was there we sat there talking about memories and stuff the n i decide its time to tell her that we are cousins hopefully this doesnt change our friendship for the worst hopefully it helps it get stronger and we get closer.

Hopes P.O.V
I need to tell you something said cameron, ok what is it
Then cameron started stuttering and out of the mix i figured out at he had just said h-h-h-h-o-o-o-o-pp-e ii-mm yy-oo-uu-rr cc-oo-uu-ss-ii-nn

Camerons P.O.V
YOUR MY WHAT is all i heard before i realised what she was doing she was hugging me really tight almost as if to say no wander we are so close and we have only just met.

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