three / incoming call

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Three days. It had been three days and still no call or text from Jeremy, none from Luke either which was surprising... But like he said, this was my decision.

I stared at the patterns the sun was making on my bed as it seeped through the blinds. There wasn't much sun today, it was more cloudy and grey but there was still sun. I needed to get out, this weather wasn't helping my mood and I was sick of the thoughts swimming in my head.

I glanced at my phone and wondered whether to text Luke or not, to tell him I'm sorry and I was being irrational. It took me about five minutes to construct a well sounding text that would make him reply. My thumb hovered over the send button when the screen changed and my phone began vibrating. It was a call from an unsaved number.

I pressed the green phone icon and held the phone against my ear. "Evie!" A high pitched voice squealed through the phone. "I got a new phone, I thought I'd call you so you'd be the first to know."

"Oh," I breathed out. "Hey Genevieve."

"Don't sound too excited, anyway I'm coming to get you, be ready in 15 minutes," she urged before ending the call.

Maybe it was a good thing that it wasn't Jeremy otherwise I would've hate the fact that he did the three day rule after getting my number. I cleared the text I was going to send to Luke, it could wait another day.

Genevieve honked the horn and I was out the door in seconds. "Hey," I greeted getting into the car and strapping myself in.

"Hey," she beamed back. "So what's all this stuff I hear about you and Luke splitting?"

"He told you?" I rubbed my forehead and looked out the window.

"No, Alana did." Of course Alana did, I thought to myself. Alana had been my friend for a while but ever since Luke came along she'd become more interested in him, it was obvious to both Genevieve and me that she had a thing for him.

"She can have him," I whispered to myself.

"Tell me what happened between you and Luke," Genevieve demanded. By the time we pulled up somewhere I had finished telling her the story.

"Where are we going?" I asked getting out from the passenger side.

"To get some breakfast!"

I followed behind her, I was feeling a little hungry despite the mood I was in. No boy is going to keep me from food. We entered a cute little cafe that had pillows in the booths and paintings and pictures on the walls.

After being seated and having our order taken a tanned boy with curly brown hair and deep brown eyes entered. "I wish he was on the menu," Genevieve quietly blurted. Our breakfast came out quickly considering it was only pancakes, ice cream and maple syrup and was demolished in an even quicker time.

I stood up to go get my coffee put into a takeaway cup, "let's go," I spoke.

"We're not going until one of us gets his number," she proposed. Her hand was subtly pointing in the direction of the attractive boy from minutes earlier. He was sitting alone and close to the door.

"Yeah okay, you get it." I knew secretly Genevieve wanted to be the one to get his number, "I'll wait by the door." She nodded and I walked towards the door pretending I didn't even notice him.

"Hey, excuse me," a sweet male voice spoke. I turned to see he was wanting my attention. "Ah never mind," he practically whispered. "No, wait," he said stopping me from walking away from him. "I know I'm sitting here alone and you probably noticed me staring at you, but I'm not weird, I promise!"

"No, I didn't notice," I chuckled.

"Oh," he chuckled as well. "Pretend you didn't hear any of that."

"Okay," I assured him. I glanced to see Genevieve rushing towards us.

"Hey," she greeted him. "I'm Genevieve, most people call me Eve." She flicked her perfect blonde hair before putting her hand out for a handshake.

"Oh," he began, struggling to get his hand out of his jacket pocket after he stood up. "I'm Logan."

"Nice to meet you." She smiled at him, I swear her smile was enough to make any boy fall for her.

"You too." He smiled back. "Nice to meet you as well." He turned his attention to me.

I smiled and gave a small nod. "I'm Evie by the way."

"Cool, Eve and Evie, should be easy to remember." Genevieve and I had been best friends for most of our lives and I never really knew how lame it was that we were known by everyone as Eve and Evie.

"Why are you here by yourself?" Genevieve curiously questioned. She's never really been shy but whenever she seems to ask things it makes me cringe.

"Meeting up with a friend soon, so I'm just killing time."

"Eating is always a good way to kill time," I unconsciously spoke. He chuckled and ran his fingers through his curls. He looked really nice up close, his jawline looked like it could slice a cake perfectly and I liked the way his thick, long eyelashes outlined his dark eyes.

"I better let the two of you go," he insisted. I didn't mind because I could feel the conversation dying. Genevieve said her flirty goodbye while I went and stood in the door way. He took a few steps towards me, "can I have your number?"

"Um sure," I said trying to cover up the fact that his words had shocked me. I told him my number before being pulled into an awkward hug. I smiled before heading out the door.

"I cannot believe that just happened!" Genevieve beamed as I maintained my fast paced walk to her car. "I'm so jealous!"

"You don't need to be." My tone was flat and a little bit of a buzz kill.

"For some reason I knew that was going to happen." It sounded as if she was talking to herself rather than me. "What did he smell like?"

Another example of Genevieve's questioning, "he smelt really good actually."

"I'm so jealous!" She repeated as we got into her car. "How long until he texts you?"

"I have no idea." I wasn't really waiting for him to text me, I didn't want to get my hopes up and I wasn't heaps into him like she was.

"Tell me when he texts you!" She urged. I nodded then diverted my gaze out the window. We drove around for about half an hour until Genevieve dropped me off at the beach.

"Are you sure you just don't want me to take you home? I have time to," she asked hesitantly. I didn't mind that she had plans, I didn't mind being at the beach on an overcast day, I just didn't want to be stuck in my bedroom.

"I'm sure." I smiled warmly at her and waved goodbye as she drove away. I tucked my hands into the pockets of my jumper before walking along the beach. I found a dune to sit on and think.

I didn't have much time to think because my phone began to ring. Another unknown number. "Hello?" I answered wearily.

"Hey Evie, it's Logan. Are you and Eve doing anything at the moment?"

"Um," I said in thought.

"It's okay if you two are busy."

"It's just me actually, she had plans so I'm just... Killing time." Man that was lame.

He chuckled before saying, "do you mind if I join you? I promise I'm not weird."

"Oh, um, sure," I gulped in surprise.

"Sweet, text me," he said before ending the call. After texting him my whereabouts, I walked back up the beach to wait for him.

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