Chapter 6

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To say it ended too fast is an understatement. The minute we jumped down the roof, the purple dragons didn't even stand a chance!

The purple dragons lie unconcious on the floor as the turtles do their celebratory High 3.

"Good job Val! " Leo complimented as I hit his fist with mine.

It is really a dream come true to be among these turtles and fighting the crime of the city together! Maybe I should try to take up training with Master Splinter...

Why's the world spinning?


The turtles talked among themselves, not noticing the missing figure from their group as the shadows slowly crept away, under the shadow of darkness.

In the fortress of evil elsewhere in the city, the master dwells upon his throne as he thinks upon his useless underlings who probably failed miserably at their mission to capture the girl among the turtles. Why does he keep them anyway?

The large grim door opens with a head portruding through, revealing Fishlegs and Rarzar carrying Valerie on his back.

The vengeful ninja stared at the success of their capture mission, finally we have captured her!

"Well done. Now tie her up and throw her in the cell."

Rahzar nodded and started his dreary storm down to the cells.


"WHAT?! HOW COULD WE LOSE VALERIE?!" Raph complained as they jumped roof to roof in search for their lost friend.

"How would I know Raph! I thought she was right behind us!" Leo shouted back. They swung their heads side to side clearly to look for their missing best friend.

"Guys. I think I know where she is." Donnie stopped on a roof and stared at his T-Phone with a worried look.

"Where is she?!" All the other turtles flipped their heads to face the purple masked turtle.

The turtle looked up to face his ninja brothers and presented the dreadful news to them.

"She's at Shredder's lair."

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