Chapter 4

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Ah... Why's it so dark?... Hmm... Did I faint?

I slowly opened my eyes only to be greeted by a light on the ceiling.

Ugh... Where am I? I remember... I reached New York... Then going to the roof... And the TURTLES! Oh yeah! I remember! Then i fainted probably...

I slowly got up, the blue blanket on me slowly slipping off, landing on my lap.

I look around curiously, to find any hint of where I might be, but all I find is an empty seemingly a... living room? Theres no one in sight, so I scan the room again.

It just seems to be a space, but has a tv, a couch that outlines the space. The middle of the room a simple stairs that seem to lead somewhere above... A few game machines at the side and a gantry probably leading to train rails.. Its probably abandoned.

I turn around again only to get a bump with someone else's forehead.

"Ow..." we say in a chorus. I rubbed where I hit him while clearly observing the person in front of me.

"So how are ya feeling?" The orange clad turtle asked happily with an adorable smile. He held his head as he came to sit at the couch near where I was sitting.

"Fine. Thanks for asking." I replied hoarsely.

I didnt know I was that thirsty...

The turtle in front of me seemed to have noticed my hoarse voice and kindly offered to bring a glass of water for me, which I gladly accepted.

Awww hes so nice! I mean for a guy that I just met.

On his way to grab the drink, he spun around, "You're not scared of me?"

Hmm? Why would I?

"No? Why would I be?" I tilted my head to the side not understanding what he meant.

With my response, he smiled a wide toothy grin,

"Good! We could be best friends!"

Then he started to jump around, whooping and yaying all over the place.

Hahaha! Hes so energetic! Reminds me of my... Nevermind....

After he jumped into a room, I heard him talking to a few people, judging from the voices I hear, probably 3 more?

"You're up." A red masked turtle walks into the room, followed by a blue and purple masked turtle.

"How are you feeling?" The purple masked turtle walks over to me and gives me a gentle concerned look.

"I'm fine thank you." I replied with a smile.

"Oh! And thank you for saving me from falling just now! That really could have been my end!" I giggled as I thought of me almost dying just now.

I know, I know I just almost died and I shouldn't be laughing but hehe the more I think bout it!

I sat there giggling to myself, while they just gave me questionable looks.

"You're wierd. You almost died and you're laughin? AND you're not freakin out?" The red masked turtle looked confused as if I were a rare wierd creature that only comes in a million years or somethin.

"Why should I freak out? And~ it was pretty funny how I survived that!"

The turtles seemed to loosened themselves a bit before introducing themselves.

The blue masked one started first with a bow and introduced himself as Leonardo. Then the purple masked one looked a bit shy as he awkwardly waved his three fingered hand naming himself as Donatello. After that, the orange masked turtle passed me my drink and called himself Micheangelo. Lastly, the red masked turtle stood defiantly with his arms crossed simply stating Raphael.

"What is going on here?!" The voice boomed through the room as a giant rat wearing a yukata and holding a cane, came out of a room at the corner of the place demanding an explanation for the commotion.

"Another human? What have I told you about bringing humans into the lair!" He shouted again.

Leonardo... i think... stood up and notioned that he would talk to i assume, Master Splinter.

"... I'm sorry... I'm causing trouble aren't I? Is he gonna be punished for me being here?" I looked up guiltily at any of them to answer my question.

"I'll leave if that can help..." I continued after the awkward silence.

"No. That would probably cause trouble too... " Donatello shot out, I cause trouble either ways huh...

"So.... what's your name? We told us ours so you should tell us yours too!" Micheangelo enthusiastically asked.

"Valerie. Valerie Styles."

We actually pretty much hit it off from that moment on! They were all so friendly and basically could make anybody laugh!

I found out after a while that lil ol' Mikester's the really lively one that always seemed to be jumpin round and just having fun all day. He showed me his favourite magazines and, OF COURSE his ever favourite food, PIZZA. I mean who doesn't just absoulutely adore pizza right!

Anyways, Don was the smart one, he showed me around his lab and I was so intrigued by his works! I mean they do live in a sewer, the things he can do with the things he finds down here! He also showed me this cool painted vehicle that was called the Shell Raiser. And boy was it COOL. It was a part of a train, inside fully stocked with equipment , another bike and wickedly decoed. It seems cooler than what we have topside!

Then theres Leo or as I like to call Lee. Hes so cute! He showed me round the place, as well as introduce me to Master Splinter. The place I really loved was the dojo they had! The dojo was beautiful, it had a traditional carpet on the ground, and standing out from it all, a majestic tree right in the middle, growing towards the light crossing the grate. The doors were different since they were traditional sliding doors. Each door told a different story, making each unique. After that, Leo showed me this show with really bad graphics that even the voices are off timing with the mouths of the characters. But he looked adorable as he watched the show with admiration and focus. I guess the show wasn't bad, as long as he likes it!

Lastly, we have Raph, I mean Raphie! I really had a bad impression of him at first you know? He looked so grumpy and he doesn't seem interested in anything. But I was entirely wrong when I found that his actions just simply contradicted whatever front he might be doing. He was so kind and gentle even though he may never admit it. He focused so seriously when he was training and that itself changed my impression of him. He may be sarcastic at times, but when it really comes to it, you can really tell he cares ya know? There was just something special about him that I cant put my finger on... But that wasn't my concern at all then.

Finally a longer chapter! Anyways hope you liked it! I'll try to update more as I can :P

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