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^he's such a cutie❤❤

I wrote this at 1AM, guys. I was supposed to be asleep such a long time ago. I kept praying I wouldn't get caught. If I did, I'd be dead. Luckily, I didn't die so I'm alright now.

By the way listen to If I'm James Dean, Your Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens. Thank you :)


The thing that most surprises me is when I get home our mother -- yes, the one who drinks and parties at almost ever chance she got -- was actually home. Once I walked in, Emmy on my back, I stopped dead in my tracks when I smell cigarette smoke. And there was our mother, in all her glory, cigarette hanging out of her mouth as she gazes at the Television with a blank, bored expression.

"Dinner is on the stove," she said after I stared at her for too long. I had already set Emmy down, she was beside me. She waved the hand the cigarette was in towards the stove like I didn't know where it was.

"Um, we already ate." I said, walking a little bit aways from the door. "Thanks though."

She just hummed in response, rubbing her eyes. "Andrew is staying the night tonight." She told me as I walked to the fridge to get a water. The fridge was completely full. I checked the pantry. Once again,everything was full.

I turned to look at our mom who was still seated at the couch, smoking. "Did you go shopping?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Andrew and I did." She said, standing up and walking over and into the kitchen where I was. Emmy was seated at the table, coloring in her coloring book I had bought her a couple weeks ago. I heard a door open -- the bathroom door, I think -- and Andrew walked to the kitchen, rubbing his stomach absentmindedly.

"Oh," He looked at Emmy and I, "It's so good to finally meet you all!"

"Yeah, sure." I answered stiffly as I stared at Andrew. His greasy brown hair was messy -- it seemed like it wasn't brushed in God knows when. He wore a old white t-shirt that was dirty and soaked at some parts with sweat. His jeans were ripped, showing his bony knees. Although his outer appearance wasn't too good, he didn't seem to care at all about that.

"Hi Emma!" He greeted my little sister in a happy voice. "Whatcha drawing, hun?"

"I'm not drawing," she answered, not looking up at him.

"Oh. Well, what are you coloring?" He asked, offering a yellow teethed smile.

"A picture." Emmy answered coldly before shutting the coloring book.

"Well," Andrew looked over at me with a weak smile. "How are you, bud?"

"I'm fine," I answered, rolling my eyes before sitting down at the table.

Clearing his throat, he announced, "Well, I'm starving. Ooh, this looks...delicious." He said, peering at the food on the stove. Mom nodded, silently thanking him before taking a drag from her cigarette. They both made themselves a plate of the food and sat at the table with Emmy.

I sat down and pulled out my phone to text Landon. Before I could even get to her contact name, I'm getting a call by a random unknown number. I press the end call button to go text her. But once again, the same number calls me again.

I get up and head outside, frowning slightly, and answer reluctantly, "Hello?"

"Um, hi. Is this Bates?" says the voice on the other line. It was a female voice, but that didn't help any.

"Yes, and who is this?"

"It's Cece."

"Oh. Hi Cece." I said as cheerfully as I could, "Wait, how the hell did you get my number?"

Bates & Landon [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now