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Ciara Bravo will play Landon. (Picture to the side.)


"Are you ready?" Alice says loudly to me (I swear I'm going to be deaf), but it was because of the hard rain hitting the roof. It had been raining nonstop all night long and day. Today was Friday -- aka the day of the Sierra's party. Quite frankly, I was nervous. I mean, this was my first party. Ever.

"I'm ready. Are you?" I ask, walking over to Alice. She's smoothing down her hair from the frizz.

"You barely even put any make up on!" She complains, turning to look at me.


She looked different, a good different though. The way she styled her make up made her look older -- if even possible, prettier than she already was. "What's wrong with the make up I already put on?" I ask as she pushes me down to sit in a chair.

"Nothing is wrong with it, you look cute. But tonight, we wanna make you look breathtakingly stunning!" She said, beginning to get all of her make up out.


My make up was very well done. And, as conceited as it sounds, I felt pretty. Even Alice felt quite satisfied with her handy work of make up on me. But just because I felt good about myself for once did not make the nervousness go away. I was scared. What if we were overdressed?

I quickly slipped on my flats, hopping after Alice as she headed to her car. I sighed in relief when we were both safely in the car and she began driving.

"Excited?" she asks me with a smile.

"And nervous." I add, looking at her. "You look really good, by the way."

"Thanks." She grins wider, looking happy. "So do you."

We stayed silent for the rest of the ride. It was a comfortable silence and it wasn't awkward at all. I pressed my lips together, thinking. I wonder if Bates is even going... If so, I hope I'll be able to see him. Even thought, probably half the school will be there. Which, in fact, will be a lot of people. I played with my bracelet on my hand, a gift from Alice. It was a best friend bracelet -- she had the exact same one on too.

When Alice pulled into a long driveway, I knew we were at the party. I took a shaky breath in and a shaky breath out. "Calm down, Landon, you'll be okay. The party will be fun, we will have a blast!"

"Yeah," I said as we parked and got out of the car. "I hope so." Hurriedly, we made our way inside because it was still raining. Not as hard as earlier, but still pretty hard.

"Whoa.." I breathe out, looking around. It was wild looking! All the lights were dimmed, giving the the effect of a club. Alice grabs my arm, pulling me further into the meshes of bodies closely together. My eyes widen when I see a couple standing close together, making out.

I awkwardly look away, stumbling over my own feet to catch up with Alice who had let go of my arm. I probably looked like a drunk girl walking. Great.

Someone bumps into me, making me bump into someone else. The girl glares at me. I mumble a sorry before scurrying off quickly. "Alice, gosh, I thought I lost you."

She turns around, a confused look on her face. "Oh, sorry. You aren't Alice." I'm positive she can't hear me past the blaring up beat music. I walk away quickly, again.

Gosh, where did Alice go?

I managed to squeeze my way through all the tightly packed bodies and into the hall. I lean my back against the wall, breathing hard.

Bates & Landon [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now