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We stood there: her looking at me while I awkwardly looked away from her, avoiding her stare.

"What do you need to talk to me about anyways?" I asked, my voice loud in the empty hall.

"Oh, yeah, that." She stuttered, her hands playing with the ends of her shirt. "Um, so you're good at painting..."

"Yes, I guess. Go on." I said, trying to see why she was acting all shy. She must always be like that, I guessed.

"Um, okay. Well, since you're really good at, uh, painting.. I was wondering if you could try to help me??"

"With painting?" I asked. I didn't want to hang with her. My goal was not to hang with her. And so far, it was succeeding. Except when I glanced at her. And she felt my state and looked back and I couldn't look away and I couldn't stop and she would look away and I'd keep staring. I was ranting so much I almost couldn't focus on what she was saying.

"Yeah, uh, like the basics." She said. "Oh! You don't have to!" Her eyes started watering. "Oh God-- I'm sorry."

"Wha--it's okay?" I said, realizing she was on the verge of tears. "What's wrong?" What was making her about to cry?

"I'm sorry,"

"What are you saying sorry for?" I asked, stepping forward which was closer to her.

"I--I'm sorry," she repeated, backing away.

"Stop saying sorry, Landon." I told her, trying to calm her down. But she wasn't, she was breathing hard, and she looked highly upset. I didn't know about what.

"I'm sorry." She walked quickly away, not towards the cafeteria but to the bathrooms. I stood there for a few seconds, waiting to see if she'd come out and explain herself, but she didn't.

I walked back in, confused about what was with her. Jonas and Jessie were talking to each other. Alice saw me and ran to me. "Bates--where is she?"

"I--I, uh, bathroom." I turned away and walked to sit with Jonas and Jessie. Alice ran off to Landon. Part of me was wondering what was up with her and wanted to comfort her, but then another side of me didn't want to worry about anyone else's feelings. Not even my own feelings.

"What did she want?" asked Jessie.

"Something about painting, I don't know. Then she ran off."

"What a weirdo," he muttered. I almost snapped at him, but then I decided not to. We had only just become friends, I didn't want to ruin it.

Jessie and Jonas got up and went to go smoke, I stayed seated at the table. I put my head down on the table, tired.

It seemed like I was always tired nowadays. "What's up with him," I heard Jessie ask Jonas as they walked away from me.

I didn't hear what their reply was because I had fallen asleep lightly.

Jonas had to wake me up after they got done smoking.. And, like always, my first thought was her. I wondered what had her so upset that she ran away, fighting tears. It was odd, to say the least. We were just talking, yes, the conversation between us may have not been the best. But, crying?

Maybe she just needed to let out a good cry.

I entered the art class and saw Landon and Alice, well I called her Barbie. They were in the back of the room, away from most people. Alice was talking, telling her something. Landon had her face hid by hair and hoodie.

I decided not to sit by them, I was obviously unwelcome over there. Like everywhere, my mind whispered. I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing my thoughts down.

Bates & Landon [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now