Memories and Westfall

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A/N- there is some swear words in this chapter so don't report me because I'm warning you now.


"Your mother would be so disapointed in you. after everything we gave up, i gave up, and this is what happens!" my step father screamed at me after i told him a was pregnant with Caleb's baby. My mother had been killed by rogues when i was 8 and my step father took me in.

"How would you know" i shot back "shes dead" i screamed. he visibly flinched and growled.

I must have hit a nerve because his eyes were turning black, his fists were balled and his kneckles white. this room is growing darker.he started to shake and I could tell he was struggling not to change. "You ungreatful little bitch." He backhanded me "Your a shame to this family, a shame to our pack. Unless you get rid of that basterd child and end your realtionship with that human" he spat." your not welcome in this house"

i stood back stuned by his words, and Autum my wolf was getting angry 'we will not give up our pup' she was growling in my head. it was getting hard to keep control over my body, because all she wanted to do was rip his throat out.

"I will not give up this pup, its my pup, i thought you would be happy, i thought you would support this, and want a grandchild!"

he scofted and said "That was your mothers dream not mine Nicole" you could hear the venom in this voice when his said my name "and that thing in you isn't a pup, its a basterd that should be killed" he shot

i started shaking i couldnt hold back Autumn much longer, and i knew if i let her out one of us would be dead by tomorrow. So i stormed up stairs packed my stuff, and slamed the door on my way out saying "so much for family" and set off into darkness.

I woke up from my endless dreams that were different almost every night, but they were all memories lately.

I ran a hand though my mop of dark hair, as I shut my eyes from the blinding light running through the certains. I got up too quickly, to find my head throbbing from another hang over. "Must have been the vodka" as I looked at the nearly empty bottle on the hotels night stand.

So I just decided to down the rest of the bottle and welcome another reckless days sleep.


I got up again to find that is was late afternoon, and needing to pee badly. After I done my business, I decided to pack my bag and hit the road again on my motorcycle.


After 5 hours of biking, a gas stop, and a couple food stops I decided to stop and stay in the town of Westfall,. I dont really know where Westfall is on a map. but i also dont know where I am going, because I have never been anywhere but the city and Northmount.

After getting a room, locking my bike up and grabbing my stuff. I went straight to another night of sleep.


I sat nervously on Caleb's bed waiting for him to come out of the shower. I had to tell him im 2 weeks pregnant with his pup.

My mind was buzzing with thoughts of what ifs, and what will's. then I heard the shower stop and so did my heart. ' its now or never.' I thought

'nicky he loves you im sure he will love the pup to' autumn said trying to claim me down.

"i know, bu-" i was cut off

'no ifs, no buts, no nothing's. that boys loves you, and he will love this pup like he does you. even though he doesnt know that you are a wolf he will still love you nick' she said

Faded light (doing a re write so do not read) not finishedWhere stories live. Discover now