Another werewolf story.

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As I stepped out of the car, the familiar sent of pine trees and fair food hit my nose. Along with a short summer breeze that glided across my skin like silk. The sight of the Northmount fair had me jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas, and had my wolf stuck with a goofy grin, thinking that we would go for a run in the woods later.

'Even though I'm 19, I would never be to old to come here' I thought. Its one of my most favourite times of the year, where I could just let loose and have fun. Also I have never missed one of these fairs since my mom started taking me when I was 5.

As I kept staring at everything in amazement I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by my beloved boyfriend Caleb Elliot. He came up behind me and hugged my waist, placing a feather kiss on my check, and started playing with my hair.

"Come on love lets go have some fun" Caleb said sending shivers down my spine. Then he let go of my waist and grabbed my hand, but then I noticed the blood on his hands. The way his eyes held a scared little boy in them. The deep red claw marks in his chest and the chuck missing from his neck.

But what scared me the most was how cold he felt in my hands. How his scream for help, will be forever held my mind. The screeching of car breaks, and how this dark room was slowly caving in. I can hear people shouting for help in the distance, but they are growing fainter with each passing second, as I feel myself slowly fading into the blackness of the light.

I was pulled out of this nightmare, and woke up in my own pool of sweat. I was shaking in my fear. Then it hit me, Caleb's dead, his coffin being laid to rest, me leaving, and screeching of breaks, was all I can remember.

"oh great your awake" said a short lady in a nurses uniform. She had her dirty blonde hair tied in a tight bun. She has pale blue eyes, i noticed that they held a sadness in them, like she had recently lost someone. 'shit' i suddenly thought, I'm in hospital. Then another thought hit me,'my pup'.

"My pup, I mean my baby, is my baby OK" i said frantically, looking down at my flat stomach.

'Nicole our pups gone'

Autumn my wolf said. I could hear the defeat in voice, as shes trying to blink back tears while slowly backing away to mourn for our unborn pup. Then the nurse spoke up

"I'm sorry Hun but she died in the accident" she spoke with pity in her voice, and held the same sadness in her eyes which made me want to slap her. I didn't want her pity, and now I understood the sadness in her eyes.

I broke down into a fit of sobs and started hiccuping. In this moment I have never felt more alone in my entire life. In one month my whole life came crashing down. First my step father disowns me, then I gets kicked out of the pack. Oh did I mention that I'm a werewolf, well I am. Anyways a week after that Caleb dies, and now this. The only good thing that I had left in my life, is now gone.


By the time I finished sobbing for my unborn pup, the nurse had left and there was a tray of cold food on the table. She came in an hour later and said, I could be discharged tomorrow, but I said why not today, but all she said was that I was in a coma for 4 days and wasn't supposed to wake up for another 10 days. Then I gave her a duh look, because wolfs heal fast. But shes human, so she wouldn't know that right.


The next morning I got discharged in the cold early morning, and with that I left the hospital with no where to go. I think my luck just keeps getting worse and worse, because i just sold my flat last week, my car is now wrecked, plus I have no family, which means nowhere to go.'Great' I thought and rolled my eyes. 'what a way to start a day homeless and hopeless.'

I needed something to eat as my tummy rumbled. I found a small corner cafe down the road from the hospital, and spent an hour thinking of what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I honestly I wanted to forget my past and start fresh, I didn't want to be known as that girl who got knocked up, and ran away from everything with a human. I wanted a new beginning, and another chance in life. I wanted people to look at me without pity. I wanted a new me.

And with my new beginning I thought, I would need a new name.

Nickylee Meadows


one of my first stories hope you continue reading i will be making weekly updates :)

Faded light (doing a re write so do not read) not finishedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora