Chapter One

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AUTHOR'S NOTE UPDATED: I am currently working on other projects, one of which I am currently submitting to agents. I have finished this book, book one of an intended trilogy, BUT there are two important things to consider:

a) I have no immediate plans to complete this trilogy.

b) I wrote this a long time ago, and it is definitely, DEFINITELY not my best work.

But if, despite all that, you would like to read all of Color-Gifted--and that makes me very happy! : )--then read on : )

If you'd like to keep up-to-date with news of my journey to publication, you can always subscribe to my blog (you can find it on my profile) or follow me on Twitter, or just fan me here! And I'll be sure to let you know when I have news. In any case, thank you all for reading. Any comments and constructive criticism are very much appreciated. Hope you enjoy.




Hello life,I think as I pay for the newspaper.

            The pimply boy behind the counter hands me my change with a bored look on his face. “Have a good day,” he says in a monotone, as I pocket the money.

I step out onto the street and can’t suppress a shudder. That’s going to be me soon.

My feet take me to my favorite beech tree in the nearby park. I settle down in my usual spot, facing the greater park area, and open the newspaper to the help wanted ads.

            I need a job.

June marked the end of high school for me, the end of twelve long years of systematic education. The next few weeks were inevitably spent lazing around and relaxing; today I’ve begun looking for work. After a lot of thought, many nights of stress, and long discussions with my mom, I’ve decided college isn't the right thing for me right now. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life. Guess I need that infamous life experience before I can even begin to think about it.

            It was tough, being the only one in Carrington High not excited about leaving for college; the only one not impatient to get out of this small New Hampshire town and enter “the real world”. I don’t have any grand plans for the future—at least, not yet. And that had set me even further apart from my classmates.

            A group of girls crosses the grassy expanse in front of me. They giggle and chat amongst themselves in that carefree manner young teenagers have. I follow them till they’re out of view, and then set my still-unread newspaper in my lap, losing myself in my thoughts.

            Making friends has never come easy to me. I’ve never managed to have a close friend—no matter how much I’ve wanted one. It’s always been difficult for me to really connect to anyone, and instead I choose to retreat into the forest with a good book or a drawing pad.

            I stare up at the leaves of the massive beech tree I’m resting against, different, and yet so similar to the ones I see in the forest. The tear-drop shaped leaves create a canopy of green, shielding me from the pounding sun. A small breeze rustles the foliage, creating a lulling music, and my thoughts drift once again.

Color-Gifted (Color-Gifted, #1)Where stories live. Discover now