◀◀The Begining▶▶

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"Alright dad thank u, keep me updated" I said grinning.
"I will son" he smiled & hugged me patting my back.
"Bye dad" I smiled & headed out, back to my house.
I texted my girlfriend Selena letting her know I was on my way home.
I got into my car & drove off hoping I'd get this job since my dad will be retiring soon.
I am his son so I deserve to get this job & take over the business which is named after the family Bieber.Co.

I looked at my phone it was a text message saying "Baby can u please pick me up some lady's essentials."
I replied saying "Yea sure I'll be home in a few then."
I turned my phone off & turned around from driving home & heading to Target.
I loved Selena that much just to go get her lady thing for the month.
Although my parents on the hand don't like her one bit.
They say she dresses like a slut & has attitude but I don't see that I just see her outfits as hot & her attitude is fine Yea she has her moments but it's normal.


Once I found a parking spot I parked my car & headed into Target.
I went over to the lady area aisle & looked for the brand she usually gets & grabbed it & went to go pay for it.
Yea I get stares from other lady's but come on it's for my gf not me.

As the lady scanned the package of pads she looked at me & asked "these for u?"
I looked at her seriously, "im a guy i have guy parts as u can tell" i gestured my hand down my chest.
All she said was "oh sorry."
"Yea its cool" i paid her & got the bag.
I headed to my car got in & drove home.
I texted Selena telling her I was on my way home.


As I pulled in my drive way I turned on my phone still no text from Selena that's weird she always texts back.
I grabbed the bag & got out & shut the door.
I opened the door calling Selena's name.
Nothing.. I checked in the living room she wasn't there maybe she's showering.
I took off my shirt & headed up stairs I went into my bedroom & put my shirt in dirty clothes.
I looked in the restroom in our room she wasn't in there either.
I got up & started checking the rooms with the target bag still in my hands.
As I got close to the guest room I started hearing Selena's moans.
"Oh Hell No!!" I cursed under my breath.
I can't believe this shit!
I bust opened the door seeing Selena on top of another guy.
When she saw me she gasped & covered herself up.
The guy was just laying there like nothing!
"How the fuck can u do this Selena!!!"
"I fucking went to get ur shit you needed but u really don't need these cause ur fucking him!!"
I threw the bag on the floor angrily.
My blood was boiling I was ready to punch the fuck out of him.
"I'm sorry Justin" she cried.
"No your not other wise u wouldn't have cheated!"
"Your always gone Justin what do u expect me to do sit around?"
"Well sorry for trying to get a job & take care of your ass Selena! You could of been doing something instead of waiting on me but ur to busy sleeping around!!"
"Well I'm sorry Justin it won't happen again" she cried coming close to me.
"Stay away from me I don't want u near me" I tried to say calmly.

I looked over to see the guy fully clothed now smirking at me.
"What the fuck you smirking at?!"
"You" he laughed.
I've had enough I went over to him & punched the shit out of him knocking him down to the floor.
I kept punching him non stop I was angry.
He had blood coming out his nose from all my punches. I kicked him a few times to.
I finally got up wipping my nose with my wrist.
I stood up & looked at Selena "Now you get your boy toy get ur crap & get the fuck out my house."
All she did was nodd.
I went down stairs getting a icepack for my knuckles & sitting down thinking after all I gave her this is how she repays me..
30 minutes passed & I was still seated down in the kitchen hurt & mad at what she did.
She took off 5 minutes ago all she did was look at me as she took her stuff & her boy toy.
Tears started falling down out of no where.
Two years of this relationship & it's all thrown away.
I wiped them away I can't cry although my heart is aching.
I went upstairs to the room she was in & took every thing out of there I was pissed I wanted no damm memories of her.
I could turn this room into something way better.
I even took the mattress out I wasn't about to have this dirty ass mattress in my house.
Everything in this room will be different.
I through all the stuff in the big trash out back.

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