Chapter One: Edward

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Chapter One: Edward

            “Hey, Edward! Put the book down and come over here!” Luke yelled at me. I glanced up briefly, squinting in the fading light at the mud-drenched men, and decided I liked where I was just fine.

            “Edward! Come on, man! They’re killing me here,” he pleaded. I looked up again, and laughed to see Matthew sitting on Luke’s back while Landen rubbed Luke’s face in the mud.

            “I am sure you deserve it, comrade,” I called back. “I believe you insulted Nia, and that would be why Landen is exacting revenge on you. I would not want to interfere.”

            “Aw, come on, man, she is my sister. I have all rights to insult her,” Luke protested.

            “And she is my fiancée,” Landen said, laughing. “I have all rights to defend her.”

            “Will you morons quit making enough noise to raise the dead?” Henry cried, exasperated. “Almost to Lunandra, and you alert every spy in a three mile radius as to where we are!”

            They were silent for a moment.

            “Get off of me, you imbecile!” Luke yelled, struggling in the mud. Matthew laughed and tried to smash him back down, while Landen picked up enormous globs of mud and dropped them on Luke’s head.

            “All right, you idiots, if you are rested enough to act ridiculous, you are rested enough to move on. Get up. Let’s go.”

            They managed to struggle out of the mud (not without making a bigger mess) and we set off again.

            I had mixed feelings about seeing Lunandra again. The city was beautiful, in an austere way, but I did not like the time that was wasted there. I needed to be out on the front lines again, in Dulana.


            I swallowed hard. Dulana was no longer home for me. Not anymore.

            “It will be okay,” Luke said quietly. I started. I hadn’t noticed him riding up next to me.

            I shrugged.

            He just smiled. “You know what I’m talking about. Dulana will be saved. And we will find Karissa and Garyn. Just have faith.”

            I nodded, unable to speak.

            “All right, sappy moment over,” he said, his usual lopsided grin taking over his face. “Come on, Edward, you cannot keep killing yourself over this. We will be home later today, back in the lovely city where my dear, sweet grandmother so kindly rules.”

            I snorted at the sarcasm so evident in his tone. “You mean, hiding out in our little cottage in the woods until you can leave your dear, sweet grandmother’s nagging voice far behind.”

            “That, too,” he acknowledged, laughing.

            I shook my head, laughing along. Luke was obnoxious at times, but he was the best friend I had. He had saved my life, after all.

            “Thank you,” I said quietly, after a lengthy silence.

            He just shrugged. “Anytime.”

            He rode on ahead, to join Henry at the front of our small caravan. Luke was quite capable of being serious, and why he chose not to be was beyond me.

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