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Cascadia and Jayce' children were found in an old woman's care and brought to the couple who was still getting to know each other again.

Their wedding was renewed and this time her brothers attended as well, happy to see their sister in good hands.

After this the siblings went back to their father's kingdom, leaving Jayce and the children behind, but he understood, that this was something they needed to do on their own.

The land had become poor and full of hatred under Leda's reign, their mother's work falling to pieces.

They passed an old farmer who eyed them suspiciously. "What's your business in this godforsaken land?", he asked, his voice hoarse, like someone's who hadn't spoken in a very long time.
"What happened to this land?", Cassy asked, ignoring the question, "only six years ago it was blooming and full of happiness."
"The new queen happened, dear child. When the king grew sick, she took over, but a kingdom mirrors its ruler and her heart is dark. We hoped for King Sandor's recovery, but there haven't been any news from the palace in a few years."

The siblings arrived at the castle only three days later, meeting not one person on the floors.

They sneaked into their father's chamber and upon the sight of his beloved children his heart healed and he recovered.

Leda was banished from the kingdom and Deion took over, bringing the land back to life.

Cassy however returned to her family and duty as a queen and for as long as they lived her brothers and her father came to visit her often.
Jayce and Cascadia had two more children, who continued to be on friendly base with their uncle's land and for as long as it is known, there was a deep friendship between the rulers.

In memory of her brother's curse it was forbidden to hunt swans, and tgey eventually became part of the kingdom's seals.

- freely based on the fairy tale the six swans as written down by the brothers Grimm.

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