Becoming queen

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It happend, that Jayce, the king of the land Cascadia was currently in, was hunting in the forest and as coincidence wanted it to happen, he came upon the tree where she was sewing.
He might not even have noticed her, if it wasn't for the fine white dress she wore, which stood out of the green tree.
"Who are you?", he called to her, "Come down!", but she wouldn't respond, nor move.

When the men down there wouldn't go away Cascadia threw down her last few coins, assuming they were some robbers who searched for prey, but they wouldn't go. She threw down her necklace, her golden belt, everything she could give away, but they still stood down there.

The king was stunned by the beautiful woman up in the tree. She didn't seem to understand them, yet he couldn't just leave her there. Although she had many cuts covering her body, she was looking amazing and he immediately fell in love with her. Climbing up the tree he took her down and with him to his castle.

He sended for translators and she was asked for her name in every language they knew, yet she remained silent. He sended for different doctors, but they all said, that there was nothing wrong with her. Although confused by her being mute, he decided, that he had to be with her and so after her injuries had healed he asked her to sit with him for dinner.
Jayce was amazed by her politeness and good manners and he felt that he could not let her go. He dressed her like a queen and showered her with love, but she would never speak a word and always continue sewing the shirts of asters for her brothers.

Still he knew, that he wanted to marry her and only her and so he proposed to her. Being accepted by a nod and a hug he felt he was the happiest man on earth, having this girl next to him.

Although his mother protested strongly, telling him she was no match for a king, that after all no one knew where she came from, he still married her, naming her Cassy, for this was the only name she'd shown any reaction to.

Cascadia loved the king and she wished nothing more, but to speak to him and tell hin so, but she had a promise to keep.

Their wedding came and they lay together, making it even harder for the newly crowned queen not to make a sound. The folk loved their new queen nonetheless and after a time everyone accepted the fact that the girl wouldn't make a sound and keep sewing these shirts of asters.

Everyone but the king's mother who would always search for a way to get rid of her daughter-in-law.

Cascadia felt the her mother-in-law's hatred and she felt reminded of her stepmother. So she kept her distance and concentrated on sewing the shirts, going out every once in a while to get fresh asters.

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