Chapter 14

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"Cry Baby Bunting

Daddy's gone a-hunting

Gone to fetch a rabbit skin

To wrap the Baby Bunting in

Cry Baby Bunting"

Tears streamed down his pale chubby cheeks and collected at the base of his chin. He looked up at the children who had gathered in a circle around him, pointing and laughing at the him.

"Come one, sing along if you know the song." The boy laughed, gesturing to the crowd of children.

"Cry baby bunting."

Little Theo hung his head as the children began to sing, their voices joining together and singing in unison. A once innocent nursery rhyme turned into a song of torment. He hung his head as the children taunted him, covering his ears and bringing his knees to his chest. He rocked back and forth as their voices crescendoed and the circle they were gathered in closed in.

"Stop." He whispered, closing his eyes and crying.

"Cry baby bunting."

"Please. Stop." He cried, rocking back and forth.

"Daddy's gone a-hunting."

He couldn't take it anymore, their taunts, their laughs, the constant bullying.

He snapped.

"I said STOP !" He screamed, snapping his eyes open and getting to his feet. The children stopped singing and the classroom grew quiet.

"Look everyone, the baby finally stopped crying." The boy laughed stepping closer to little Theo.

"Stop calling me a baby." Little Theo hissed, his small hands turning into fists by his side.

"Or what ? Are you going to cry again bab-"

Before the boy could finish his sentence, Theo kicked the boy in his groin and watched as the boy fell to the floor. He then looked around the room, watching as the children scattered and ran away from him. His eyes landed on a pair of scissors and he dived for it, clutching the cold metal tightly in his fist.

He approached the boy and grabbed his hair. Grinning as the boy struggled against his grasp.

"Still think I'm a baby." Theo laughed, opening the scissors. The boy tried to shake his head, but Theo's firm grasp on his hair prevented him from doing so.

Theo began to cut, cutting large chunks of hair out of the boy's head. He felt alive for the first time in eight years and he loved it, the adrenaline, the thrill, the -

"Ryan Wilson, let go of that boy now !"  Theo looked up from the boy and released his grip, dropping the scissors  with a clank on the floor, he looked down at his little hands covered in bits of the boy's hair and began to laugh.

"I'm sorry miss." He laughed

"I'm so sorry."


Eleanor sat with her back to the door, staring blindly out the window. The wind blew harshly outside, rustling the trees and causing the branches to scrape at the window. She watched as the sky darkened and the first drops of rain hit the window.

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