Chapter 5

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Ella woke up in a cold sweat and tried to sit up. Banging her head against cold metal above her. She slumped back down and blindly trailed her hands along the rectangle box she was in, her small hands maneuvering over cold interior and something fluffy beneath her.

She began to panic, fearing that her worst nightmares had finally come to life. Being buried alive. She began to cry, her salty tears rolling down her bruised cheeks and neck, gasping for breath, she felt as though someone had grabbed her throat with both hands and squeezed, choking the life out of her. Her heart was running a marathon and all she wanted to do was curl into a ball and pray that someone would come across her unmarked grave and find her before all the oxygen ran out and she died. Deep down she knew no one would with Matthew dead, no one would know that Theo had taken her, it would be as if she had vanished from the city, when really she was lying below it with only her beating heart for company.

A tear rolled down her cheek and a rasped cry for help escaped her lips, he sighed heavily and turned her head to the side, it seemed as if this was the end of the road for Ella, but that thought quickly dissipated when she was thrown upwards and fell back down with a thud. She screamed and banged on the metal above her, using all her remaining strength. The lid slowly opened and Ella shut her eyes, the blinding light burning her pupils.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be out of it for so long." He said, sitting on the edge and peering down at Ella, who looked back up at him, anger and enmity welling up in her heart. She peered around realisation hitting her. She was in the boot of a car and what she feeling was the interior. Theo continued to stare at her, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Surprised to see me?" He asked, hopping off the side of car and leaning in. "So, my beautiful daffodil we have two options." He said, his eyes taking in every inch of Ella.

"You can come and sit up front with moi, or..." He trailed off and stretched looking around him, before resting his eyes back on Ella. "you can stay in the boot, your choice." He shrugged, resting his arm against the edge. Ella smirked coughing up phlegm and spitting it in his face.

"Screw you," she retorted, attempting to get out of the boot and run but to no avail, her fatigued body gave in on her,
she could barely sit up. Theo laughed and grabbed her shoulders, pinning her down into the boot, his fingernails digging deep into her flesh, he put his knee on her stomach and applied pressure.

"Listen here you stupid little bitch, you are going to do as I say or I will-"

"You will what kill me ?" She asked. "You and I both know you didn't take me all the way out here to kill me." She laughed.

Wiping the phlegm off of his face Theo stared down at her an evil smirk playing on his beautiful bruised lips, he leant down so that his face was inches from hers.

"Aren't you a clever little girl." He whispered brushing his lower lip against hers "If you don't cooperate with me Eleanor, I will cut off those pretty little fingers of yours and post them first class to that pathetic family of yours and then do you want to know what I will do next?" He asked menace in his deep voice, he pressed his knee further into Ella's abdomen, she inhaled deeply and shook her head, cursing her sudden boost in confidence. He smiled and pulled away brushing a hand through his hair.

"Good, now get up dear and come sit around the front." He said offering his hand to hers. Reluctantly she grabbed it and he yanked her out of the car, with no consideration towards her weak body. She walked around the front and got in, deliberately slamming it shut. He got in the front and turned to face Ella.

"Seatbelt please, " he said, watching as Ella clicked the belt into place. "We don't want you dying just yet" he laughed, starting the ignition and putting the latch down on the car.

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