Chapter 6

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Ella got out the car and stared in Theo's face, if she was quick she could run, keeping within the confines of the forest and making it out onto the motorway. She turned around adrenaline pumping through her veins, if she could just-

"Ella NO." Shouted Audrey, who had interpreted Ella's jittery frame and tried to intercept, but it was too late.
Ella ran as fast as she could not looking back, straight into the undergrowth, the sun was filtering through the trees but the further she ran into the forest the darker it became.

Fearing the dark was not an option for Ella, running and getting as far as way from him as possible was on her mind now. The sky had disappeared almost completely with only fragments of blue filtering through, the air was rich and thick with the smell of leaves and damp soil. The further Ella ventured the thicker the the woods became, she tried to rip branches and thorns away from her dress but it was no use, they only came back clawing and tugging harder at her dress threatening to bring her down.

She slowed her pace and stumbled out onto a crossroads, puzzled she spun around trying to listen for any indication of a motorway nearby. She peered down all the routes which were shrouded in darkness and Ella swallowed a lump that had been stuck in her throat.

She heard the snapping of twigs behind her and ran down the first route she set her eyes on, ensuring to keep a low profile. She buckled over her untied shoelaces and fell face first into the ground, the pain feeling like lemon and salt being jabbed into an open wound, she gritted her teeth to stop herself from crying out, biting her tongue in the process.

"Eleanor darling." She stayed were she was, lying flat on the ground with only a bush to hide her, realising that she was fully exposed, she got up and crouched over to a nearby tree, leaning her back against it. She considered running again, but that would have only proven to be useless, so she stayed still.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." He sang, stopping two trees away from her, Ella covered her mouth with her hand fearing her ragged and shaky breath will draw his attention. It went quiet, the birds who up until now had been singing and chirping happily in the trees grew quiet, and the steady hum of insects paused, the wind stilled and it was if all eyes were on her. She suddenly felt exposed again and crawled on all fours to the tree next to her, loose twigs and stinging nettles scratching and burning her palms.

The trunk was thicker on this tree and more leaves decorated the wide branches. She leaned against it straining her ears to listen, but it was quiet too quiet, the silence settling on her skin like poison. Ella's heart began to beat rapidly.

She peered around the trunk and sighed in relief, the coast was clear, all she needed to do was -

"Hide and seek Is over," He whispered in her ear. Grabbing her by the legs and pulling her through the forest, he hummed Heigh Ho happily to himself and dragged Ella through the woods like she was a dead deer.

She screamed and thrashed in his hands, clawing into the dirt trying to anchor herself to the ground. It was no use, dirt only collected under her fingernails and every time her sweaty hands grabbed onto something, he would yank her leg with such force that she would let go, surprised that she had not dislocated her legs by this point.

She twisted in his grasp and managed to turn to face his back, with one kick she got him in the middle of his back. He stumbled forward and laughed, deliberately letting go of her leg. She froze and stared at his laughing and trembling figure. Her paralysis was only momentary, and she regained thought jumping up and running. He just stood there watching her, a grin on his bruised yet perfect face.


He stood there grinning at her, as she attempted to run.

"Run my little deer," He laughed following Ella into the thick underbrush. He knew these woods like the back of his hand, having grown up here he had to get used to it and welcome it as his home. This place was the perfect cover up for his quaint little family, little did people know that under the Wilson Family's facade was a family ravaged by murder, death and abuse, Theo usually being at the centre of it all.

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