Chapter One

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Lorenzo Boseili

"Non parli inglese?" Lorenzo roared angrily into the phone. He stood from his desk chair and threw the glass in his hand across his office, watching it smash against the wall. "Do you not speak English?" He pinched the bridge of his nose and clamped his eyes tight shut. He didn't need this stress today. Especially not today.

"Non mi interessa. I don't care. Ring me when it is done and not before. There's only so many chances I can offer you, Robert." he growled, hanging up and slamming his fist into his table.

He was stressed to say the least. Another alliance offer from him had been rejected and it was really starting to bug him. What was it they wanted? He had men, weapons, money and experience. The fact he was still being looked down upon was beginning to really get on his nerves.

"Cazzo! Get outside!" Someone yelled outside his office which was then followed by a series of gun shots. Lorenzo cursed severely as he grabbed the gun from his belt and charged towards the door to his office. He ripped open his door to find a pigeon, alive, sat on his precious carpet and one of his men stood in the hall in front of it.

Lorenzo's gaze shot up to him. "What the bloody hell is going on, Billy? Get that damned pigeon out of this building now before he wrecks my carpet and you owe me ten thousand off your pay cheque." he barked.

Billy stammered in front of his boss and Lorenzo rolled his eyes. He wasn't one of his fastest men but he was good at his job. "I'm sorry, boss. I-I wasn't hurting him, I thought blanks might scare it away but-"

"Just get him the hell out of my house!" Lorenzo snapped, turning away. When Billy didn't move he almost lost his temper completely. "Non parli inglese? I meant now!" He roared before going back into his office, slamming the door closed, making the whole five-story house shudder.

A knock sounded on his door and Lorenzo sighed, opening it. Surprisingly, a smile spread across his face.

"Phantom. Any progress on the girl?" He said, rubbing the palms of his hands together. He needed good news with this. "Venire accomodi, come in and sit down, please. I'm sure you have good news for me, si?"

Phantom chuckled, coming into his office. He was good friends with Lorenzo, one of his best men. "Of course, Enzo. I wouldn't bring you anything but good news, would I?" He grinned, winking at him.

Lorenzo smiled, patting him on the back as he closed the door behind him. "No mio amico, I can think of a few times when-"

"Is that glass all over your floor?" Phantom commented. "Was Rachel in here or something? She totally destroyed Mark's room. He pissed her off and she went mental, throwing stuff everywhere-"

Lorenzo cleared his throat, interupting him. "The girl, Phant." He pushed the situation at hand to the top of their agenda.

Phantom chuckled, nodding. "Sorry, Buddy. Yeah, anyway, we found her. She's in freakin' America though. Twenty-two years old. Low-paid job in a corner café. No records on her mother just yet but-"

"Why?" Lorenzo snapped.

Phantom wasn't fazed by his mood swing. "No records even exist." Lorenzo accepted his answer, nodding for him to continue. "Fathers dead but we already know that. She's not rich."

Lorenzo nodded, clapping his hands together hungrily. "I want her on the next flight here. I need her under my radar, Phantom."


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