Chapter Eight: November 6, Belidure

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Amadeus had finally arrived in the North after two long days of nonstop traveling. Captain Amelia and a handful of guards had accompanied him across the long miles to the battle front. Now he stood at the hill above the main encampment. Other groups of his soldiers were positioned around other spots on the border, but this was the largest.

"Your Majesty, follow me," said Captain Amelia. Amadeus followed her, feeling very scared and incredibly out of place. More than anything he wanted to inspire hope in the hearts of his people, but he feared that they wouldn't trust him. After all, his parents had always been the leaders.

As the small group reached the outskirts of the encampment, a cry rose up; "Captain Amelia's returned, and she brought the King!" Shouts of joy and surprise sounded from the soldiers, and within a minute thousands of the people there had surrounded them in the center of the encampment. Amadeus took a deep breath and tried to calm him nerves. The girl from his dream came to mind, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

"My people! I traveled immediately from the Palace when I heard news of discontent and frustration among Belidure's warriors. I know that my parents' death came as a shock to all of us. I am your King now, and I realize that a lot of you doubt my ability as leader. But know this; I will not rest until the Northerners have been defeated and Belidure is secure once more! As your leader it is my responsibility to make sure that our little island kingdom does not fail! And I swear on all that is dear to me that Belidure will not fall! There may come a day when all that is left of this beautiful land is a pile of rubble and a memory of splendor, but it will not be this day! Today and every day after that we will fight for all that is sacred and wonderful in Belidure! We will not fail! Long live Belidure!" At this, a deafening roar of approval rose from the soldiers.

"Long like Belidure! Long live the King!"

~ * ~

"Your Highness, a messenger from our Eastern outpost is here to see you."

"Send him in please." The man bowed and closed the tent flap. A few seconds later a tall, fair-haired young soldier entered the tent. The young man bowed, and as he did so a tattoo of a burning tree showed on the back of his neck. Amadeus quickly drew his sword.

"You are no soldier of Belidure. You work for the Northern Region; I see the insignia of Gerf on your neck! Why are you here? Speak!"

"You've caught me," he said, his black eyes twinkling, a smirk on his face. He drew a long, jagged blade from his scabbard. "I do not serve the failing kingdom of Belidure. Your kingdom is falling Amadeus, and so soon shall you!"

He rushed towards Amadeus, the dark metal of his sword glinting in the candlelight. With a cry Amadeus hit his blade against the man's.


"Oh no, Amadeus. I'm afraid your guards aren't feeling so well. . .they should be more careful around me next time." He circled the young King, as he let out a heartless laugh. Amadeus sprang to meet him, but he was too quick. He leapt over his head and landed on the table behind him. As Amadeus turned around, he brought his great sword down on his right arm. Amadeus screamed and fell back onto the ground. Wincing, he got up and switched his sword to his left hand.

The assassin sprang from the table and their swords clashed. With a mighty heave, Amadeus pushed the sword out of the man's hands. He just smiled. Amadeus swung his sword to finish him off, but the assassin caught the blade in one of his gloved hands and tossed it aside. Now both blades lay on the ground.

"A good assassin always has a back-up plan," the man said, smiling. He lunged towards Amadeus and put a dagger that had been strapped to his arm against the King's neck. "Say good-bye to your precious Belidure."

"Good-bye," replied Amadeus, and thrust his own dagger into the man's stomach. His eyes widened in surprise as blood pooled from his abdomen. With a last heave of energy, Amadeus pushed the assassin to the ground. He quickly left the tent, leaving behind a pool of blood and a failed assassination attempt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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