Chapter Two: October 16, Belidure

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Amadeus stared out the window. He felt like a large dagger was twisting its way slowly around in his heart. His deep green eyes stared blankly at the mountains, but he hardly saw what was in front of him. His hands hardly felt the cold stone beneath them. Despair threatened to wash over him and completely consume him, but he reminded himself that he had to stay strong for his people.

Amadeus had done something he'd hoped would occur much later in his lifetime. Just the day before, he had laid his parents down to rest forever in the city of Ancestors. They had fallen in battle fighting against the Northern Region, and now Amadeus was the sole ruler of Belidure. His entire life, he had been training for the opportunity to rule. But now that it had come so suddenly, and without warning, he felt entirely unprepared. 

A warm voice interrupted Amadeus from his thoughts. "My friend, I am so sorry to hear of your parents passing. I came as swiftly as I could." Amadeus turned his head to see his lifelong friend, Harry. Harry was a handsome man, with short blonde hair. He looked worried and sad.

"Harry! I have missed you. I don't know what to do with myself. How can I possibly rule?"

"You will make a wonderful ruler. I know it. Even when we were lads, you were always a natural leader. Remember The Great Ball Disaster? That mission wouldn't have been such a success without you." Despite his melancholy mood, Amadeus found himself laughing. He remembered the event well. When he and Harry had been twelve or so, them and several of their friends were bitter about not being able to go to the Harvest Ball. Their plan was to go into the ball disguised as waiters, and in the middle of everything, release the rats they had stored in wire cages. The group was waiting on the side for a good time to enter, when they heard someone coming up the stairs. The  boys darted onto the poles that were supporting the tent to avoid being questioned. Amadeus was holding the wire cage and it was getting very heavy. He suddenly couldnt hold it any longer, and the cage burst open. Rats poured from the tent ceiling onto the guests. In the confusion that followed, the weight of the boys was too much, and the tent collapsed. The night went significantly better than any of them had anticicpated. 

"Thank you Harry. That means a lot to me."

Harry and Amadeus talked well through the night. They had not seen each other in many months, as Harry had been very busy keeping the Northern Region in line. Amadeus was pleased to discover his friend had recently become engaged to a beautiful Duchess, and he found himself wondering when he would find his Queen. It was no matter, he thought. He had plenty of time.  

  ~ * ~

Harry had gone to bed, and Amadeus lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. No matter what he did, he couldn't get comfortable. He longed for sleep, but too many thoughts clouded his mind. Already he missed his parents. As a small child, he would run to their room at night when he was afraid. Now, he had never been more afraid. Afraid of that without a stable leader, his kingdom would completely fall apart. Afraid that he couldn't be that leader. Thoughts like this kept him up. It was very early morning when he left his chambers and went for a moonlit walk in the gardens. 

The cool night calmed his nerves. Staring up at the night stars, Amadeus felt the most peaceful he had in the past few days. Somehow, he knew, his island kingdom would be at such peace. The fighting would cease, and Belidure would finally be united under one banner. That was his parents' wish, and they had died fighting for it. Amadeus knew at that moment that everything had happened for reason. He had faith.

  ~ *  ~

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