I Miss You

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After dinner, I scrolled through my phone to see pictures of Isabella and Camila. They were so cute. My favorite is the one where Camila sang to Isabella for the first time to calm her down from the thunder storm. I hope they're okay. I hope Camila is safe in her hide out. Normani and Ally better be there already. I never heard about Camila yet. I can't make phone calls.

" Lauren?" Dinah said in the door way." We are watching a movie. Want to watch it with us?"

" Yeah, I'm just having a hard time being here and not being able to do shit," I frowned.

" Same. I feel so useless here. Plus, I don't know how the other girls are holding up," Dinah hugged me.

" They are-" I was interrupted by a knock on the door. Quietly, I walked down stairs to see who it was. Zendaya was too scared to go near it. Dinah went to go hold her shaking body. Glancing through the peep hole, I saw Mr Williams.

" Hey," I sighed, opening the door. Mr Williams showed no emotion walking in.

" I came to update you," he informed. Nodding, we sat on the couch. Zendaya and Dinah sat next to me on the sofa.

" What's up?" I smiled, forcefully.

" Normani and Ally are in their hide out. Troy is with them due to the fact he is important to Ally."

" Camila?" I said, sadly. I knew it wasn't good.

" We sent the Miami Police Department there as soon as we confirmed the program. Big Rob was going to go stay there with her to make her feel less lonely-"

" She's dead?" I asked, hoping the answer would be no.

" Not that we know of. She was missing from her house. Her little sister said she was in the backyard when a man threatened to kill Camila or to follow him. She called 911 right away. No one else was home," Mr Williams says fiddling with his thumbs.

" Did she see the guy?" Dinah questioned.

" Yes, dark hair. Tan skin. A sleeve tattoo on his right arm."

" That's Matt. He was our stylist," I gasped." He was on our bus. He could of hurt or killed us easily."

" We are searching for him. The fans are notified about the situation. Sadly, we had to tell them about Camila."

" We understand why," Dinah said." It will hopefully help us find them."


They locked me in a room that had a small bed and one or two toys. It was obviously Isabella's new room. They lived in west Miami before this. That was the last time I saw Lauren felt so so long ago. I missed her so much.

" Camz?" I heard on the other side of the door." Mom, wants to see you."

Getting up, I pushed the door , which was no unlocked. Isabella led me to the room she was in.

" Isabella, Lauren is looking for you," I kneeled down to tell her." She is looking for us. She'll find us."

" You promise?" Isabella sniffled. Sighing, I nodded. At least that's is what I'm hoping for.

" Sit here!" Lou pushed me down on a mat on the floor . My hands were held together my a zip tie. I rested my body on my knees. Isabella's mom forcefully grabbed her hand.

" No hurt Camz," she shook her other finger.

" Shut the fuck up! You're 4. You don't tell me what to do!"Her mom barked at her. Rolling my eyes, I ignored the ignorant bitch in the room.

" Camila when I say go. You have 5 minutes to tell them about the ransom. Tell them about anything else. Isabella will get it," he explained. I nodded.

" They won't be able to track it?" The lady asked.

" No, we will post it on her Tumblr. I got the password and everything. She has actually two Tumblr accounts. One for her personals. Second is a fake Fifth Harmony account."

" Most celebrities have one. All the girls have one," I admitted. It was true. Shawn introduced us to it. That's kinda how we found out about Camren.

" Camila you go on 1...2..3.."

" Girls and fans, these people wants $20,000 by Wednesday, which is in 3 days. He wants the girls to give him the money. More specifically Lauren. Lauren, if you're watching this, Isabella seems okay. She's not emotionally, but she's a strong girl. She looks fed, slept a little. I'll keep an eye out. I love you guys so much. If I don't make it out, please make sure Isabella will. Ally...Dinah...Normani....Lauren, I love you all."

He end the recording. With out another word, the left me in there. Isabella glanced back at me as she was dragged out. I knew she understood each word I had said.

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