Chapter 5

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When mum unlocked the front door to our ancient family cottage, she rushed us in and slammed the door. I took of my shoes and coat in our little mud room and walked into the kitchen and living room. I threw my backpack onto the dining table and sat in an armchair since Hamish lay down on the couch. The space was simple, functional but not crowded. The light oak kitchen cabinets mixed well across the room from the dark brown stoned living room wall holding the large television. I personally disliked the ancient upholstery of the furniture but Granny Em always made a fuss when I mentioned changing it.

Mum walked in and pulled in the curtains on all the windows. I observed from my seat how much worry creases she had on her forehead and the dark circles under her eyes. She really needed to rest because she looked exhausted. Whatever these flowers did was obviously serious because she was pushing herself to stay awake.

"Get up, Hamish," mum wacked the back of his head," I need you to get two hiking bags from the store room, now. Hurry! Seraphine, get your coat and boots on, as if you're going on a hike. Get some chunky things to stuff your bag with, doesn't matter what. We shall go visit Jana and the packs so pack your flute to play something for the children while I talk with Jana."

I didn't bother to ask any questions. I went upstairs to my small blue bedroom which I was proud to say I kept neat and tidy. I scanned around for some chunky items for mum. I grabbed a binder off of my desk, a scarf from my closet and my art supply box from my easel. Though Hamish was his prodigy, Dad still took the time to try and teach me how to draw and paint. I was awful at that stuff. I placed my flute carefully into its case and went downstairs.

I stuffed everything into a hiking back and put on boots and a coat. Mum didn't usually make such a fuss when we went to visit Jana so I inferred her behavior had to do with the flower. Mum and I went out the back door and if someone were trespassing on our property, they'd be convinced we were innocently ready for a hike. Was that mum's concern? Did she believe the Wilsons were going to trespass and spy on us?

We walked , which was odd because usually we ran, until we reached a clearing full of wooden cabins. Children played while two weary young adults watched, looking as sleepy as ever. A few teenagers sat and watched the children play as well but they were obviously up and alert. Mum headed to the largest cabin which we knew was Jana's.

This clearing was the Wolfblood Village. Mum and dad started this organization for wild wolfblood packs. On the Smith-Morris property, wild wolfblood packs can settle permanently and learn how to integrate with human society. The truth was humans were slowly moving in on wolfbloods. Wild packs were losing homes and land to settle on. More and more humans were seeing them. A chase looms on the horizon of humans hunting down wolfbloods. Thanks to my family in association with Segolia, a wolfblood company, packs now had a safe place. Currently, there were 5 packs living in my family's Wolfblood Village. It's quite fun to have a lot of wolfbloods all in one place. Cubs have more playmates and food is easier to obtain since hunting is a big thing to them. There are Wolfblood Villages all around the world thanks to Segolia.

I approached the cubs and their half asleep babysitters' eyes closed in relief. One man started snoring. Ugh. A teen threw a stick at him and he woke with a red mark on his face. I pulled out my flute, the cubs gathering around me.

"Roofa," I smiled at them. The word was hello in wolfblood language.

As per usual, I played a slow song. I found it quite funny how mesmerized the music made them. The adults didn't take it well at first. They thought I was putting their young ones in a trance. Slowly but surely, they understood what I played was harmless and became quite delighted by it themselves.

Mum walked out of the cabin and signaled for me to come. I knew what that meant.

"Growfa,"I got up and waved goodbye to the cubs.

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