Chapter 4

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The above picture is a general idea of what the exterior of the Wilson House looks like.

Five empty mugs and two hours later, Mum grabbed her car keys and Judy, Alice, Hamish and I were putting on coats. Eloise had already left. Aunt Shannon had picked her up a few minutes before. Grandma Emma had come down from the kitchen to be a hostess while mum was gone. Grandma Em gave Hamish and me a kiss on the forehead and delighted in meeting my friends. Her short brown bob was mostly gray and when she smiled her wrinkles blocked some of her loving brown eyes, but there was so much love radiating off of her, you'd think she was young. Even on a dark moon, she could be warm and friendly.

We went out to mum's car, a third generation Honda CR-V, parked in the parking lot. It was a dark purple/red that I liked. Hamish sat in the passenger seat and an unhappy Judy sat in the back seat with me and Alice. Stoneybridge is a small town so I didn't take long to get to the Wilson house which was just on the southern edge of town. It was a simple, white, two story home with a brick chimney and grey slate tiles on the roof. There was window seat on each side of the door and windows from the second floor above. There was no fence in front but a lawn, a concrete driveway leading to the garage extension on the left and a stone pathway leading to the front door.

There was a garden patch running along the exterior walls of the house. There were different types of flowers but the garden was mostly made of one type. To me, it appeared to be a simple white poppy and it blocked the other colourful flowers. Mrs. Wilson was out watering them with a watering can and stopped when mum pulled up in her driveway. As Alice and Judy hopped out, mum rolled down her window to talk to Mrs. Wilson. Before Mrs. Wilson spoke, Judy whispered something about chicken into her ear. Was there something I missed about these people? Were they vegetarians or something?

"Good day, Paige, I see you got the garden growing wonderfully," Mum smiled.

"Good day, Maddie, Hamish and hi, Sera," Mrs.Wilson waved, "Yes I did, thanks to your mother's advice. I must send her a thank you gift. Hold on, let me go pick her some of my prized flowers, the Mottled Poppy."

"The what?" Mum's tone was alarmed.

"The Mottled Poppy. Have you heard of it?" Mrs. Wilson looked curious.

"I think I have, actually. You see, my mom keeps a list for us when it's around her birthday. It's about what flowers not to give her since they clash with her colour scheme or whatever. I honestly don't understand it," Mum had lied and I knew it but I kept my mouth shut, "I'm sorry."

"That's alright, I understand what she means. Such a shame though, these flowers are special. They are supposed to change colour at rare times," Mrs. Wilson's tone was one I had never heard her use before, "I've only seen it change once in Humbridge."

"That's... different. Where do you get them?" Mum had put on her fake happy voice, I could tell.

"My great-grandfather was the great Lord Harfire. He owned a mansion with an estate that produced these poppies," Mrs. Wilson smiled, "It's quite extraordinary, huh? It's the only place in the world you could find such flowers. He left the place to a couple who could upkeep it but when they go, I guess I'll take over."

"Wow, that's quite interesting," Mum smiled weakly.

"Want to come in for some tea? You look tired and, I hope you don't mind me saying, you've got dark circles under your eyes. You could meet my husband and we cou-"

"No, thank you. I've got to get these two home. We have to have a family meeting. I'm sure you're daughters know why; there was an incident at school today."

We said goodbye and were on our way through town. Our cottage was on the outskirts of town close to the woods. We do own a large portion of it legally. Mum looked worried and I noticed she had been driving fast. She had me check the back seat and below the seat for any strange objects but everywhere was clean. She was really puzzling me and I couldn't help but think, why was everyone acting so strangely today? Have dark moons really taken a toll on everyone's sanity? She dialed a number on her phone over and over until the person answered.

"Hello?" Dad answered on the opposite end of the line.

"Rhydian, get the pack together. Urgent meeting tonight so close the café early if you can. We might have trouble on our hands," Mum tried to remain calm.

"What? What is it?"

"The Wilsons own Mottled Poppies," Mum sighed.

"Got it. I'll call everyone. Can you get through to Jana?"

"Sure," Mum hung up and Hamish frowned.

"You're really doing that today, on a dark moon?" Hamish sounded annoyed.

"I have no choice, this cannot wait. I'll deal with punishment for the both of you tomorrow," Mum barked at Hamish.

"What's with the panic? What's so dangerous about flowers?" I asked.

"You'll hear soon enough what is so dangerous about them. Not a word until the pack comes over tonight, understand? We need to be careful about what we say from now on."

Mum pulled up in our driveway and rushed us out the car. She kept looking around. What was she expecting to find? Poppies walking like zombies towards us coming to kill. I sighed. Must everything get overreaction? Alphas are sooo untrusting.


This is a shorter than usual chapter but it has got suspense to make up for it ;-) I hope you enjoyed it.

I have exams be able to update often for a little while.

Don't forget to vote and post nice comments cause they really encourage me and feel free to ask questions.

~LazyDisyLizey <3

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