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"Maddie, I love you and I want to be in your pack forever. So what i'm saying is, Mads, will you..." Rhydian held Maddie's hands in his and he fought back tears of joy. He coudn't speak anymore. He'd been waiting for this for a long time and for a rare moment in his life, he was getting nervous. What will she say? He knew she would say yes but did he really, really, really know?

"Will I.....marry you?" Maddie raised Ryhdian's hanging head and looked at him with a bright smile.

"Yes, Madeline Smith," He got down on one knee ,despite the cold Canadian snow, his confidence regained, "will you marry me?"

"Yes, Ryhdian, a million times, yes! Now do yourself a favour and get up!" She pulled him up and kissed him.

The two ran back to the house and changed into the wolves they were. It was night, after all, but a starry and serene one. Transforming whenever they wanted was the thing the Smiths loved the most about living high up on the mountains and Maddy and Rhydian played like cubs. They raced and chased each other all day just like they loved to do when they were 15. Emma and Daniel Smith didn't understand how 27 year old's could do such an immature thing but laughed at it none the less.

Emma and Daniel were not surprised by the news but were still overjoyed.

"I'm not getting married here though," Maddie casually said among the congratulations which sopped immediately at her words. They stared at her confused,"We're going back to Stoneybridge. I'm not living the rest of my life here. I've spent quite a long time here doing nothing! I want to go home and get married, get a job and have a family. I know we're trying to learn about the wild wolfblood culture here but our efforts to convince them to tame up are futile. Let's go home."

And so the Smiths and the soon-to-be-newlyweds packed up and left their little house in Canada and returned to Stoneybridge. Locals were astonished at their return and immediately began asking questions. Their story was simple:

They were being sent threats from an anonymous sender via mail and email. The threats were getting too scary and they contacted a family friend who willingly allowed them to stay with them after they fled from Stoneybridge. While staying with this friend, they contacted an investigator who found the sender and recently arrested him. Apparently he wasn't even from Stoneybridge. He lived in another town and was trying to get money from the Smiths after he found Maddie's facebook page on the internet. Ryhdian had left to be with Maddie. Now they were safe and happy to be back.

The locals believed it and Maddie and Ryhdian were able to go ahead with their wedding plans.

A Not-So-Happy Ever After~wolfblood fanfic(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now