#4 Dreaming

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I dedicate this chapter to Emily62802 since she is a fan of my story already
And i want to thank all of you who read my story so far
Love ya all xoxo

"Please leave me alone"
I was screaming while running to my room.
There was this woman with a pair of scissors in her hand chassing me .
I couldn't see her face but i had a feeling i knew her.
"Oh my god pleasee someone help mee "
I cried while I stoped because i had no were to go .
I was trapped in my own room with no where to go and the woman was getting closer and closer and i was scared to death.
I searched for a way out but there was none.
The terrifying woman was righ by my side,took my wrist and put the sccisors there.
I closed my eyes embracing my destiny but i felt nothing.
I opened my eyes and in stead of that woman I saw someone smiling at me.
That smile that made my heart melt.
I took my hand to meet his face but he was gone.

I opened my eyes and searched around but thsre was no one.
I realised that I was having a dream and actually I was in a hospital room.
My mouth was dry and my hand was itching.
I tried to scratch it but when i looked at it I had a bandage on my wrist.
That's when I remembered everything that has happened.
I felt so ashamed of myself.
How could i be so weak.
And mostly I felt angry with my father.
Why the hell did he have to save me.
I wanted to die so i would no t suffer anymore.
Why didn't he understand that.

While I was debating with my self ,the dor opened and I saw the same smile as in my dream.
I was shocked when I saw who that smile belonged to.
He was my savior?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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