#1 story of my life!

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"Jessie wake up! "
I heard my brother calling from the other room .
Uhh i hated when he woke me up like this like what the hell why do you need to yell I'm right here.
I closed my eyes again for like 5min and there was the yelling again
"jessie will you get out of that bed or do you wanna be late for your first day in high school ?"

Oh fuck that's when i realised i had to get ready for school.
I got out of bed and went strait to the bathroom .
I realised that my brother and dad were already gone for work and i was home only with her!
Anyway luckily she was asleep so i hurried and got dressed ..skinny jeans ,a black t-shirt and my converse
Yeap that was me an boring usual teen .

I was walking to school trying to keep my thoughts away from her!
I promissed my self that no one would see me weak again ,no one would see me cry i didn't want pitty anymore .
This was a new chapter of my life
I was a junior ,i had my best friend in the same class ,i didn't care for boys anymore .

I meet my bestie Egi at the school door .
She was wearing the same as me we wanted to be matchy matchy the first day .
"Do you have any idea who will we have at our class ?"
Egi asked me while we were heading towards our classroom .
"I don't really know Egi but i hope we know someone."

And i was surprised to enter the class and find out that i knew almost everyone
I mean this was a good thing right i had my friends here ,my bestie by my side no boyfriend no trouble.
This was going to be a good year
But i had no idea back than how much my life would change!

So hey every one !
I hope that you will like my book and i know that this is a short chapter and doesn't really say much but i needed this chapter to start with is short but more are coming and you will be surprised and intrigued by the this that will happen to this girl
So any idea who is she?

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