#2 and when i though the day was going well !

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The first day went very well ,the teachers were very nice ,the classes not so hard .
I was walking home alone ,yeah i hated that egi's house was so far from mine but what to do

"yo dudee "
I heard someone calling me from behind
I knew very well that voice,
why does he have to ruin my day.
I didn't stop or turn around
"dude come on don't make me come after you"
"what do you want Leo? "I turned around and looked at him angry
"wow chill jessie no hug for your friend?"
He opened his arms waiting for a hug.
I just stood there my arms crossed glaring at him .
"okey why do you have to be so mean I'm just being friendly dude"
"i stoped being friendly to you when you ditched me at the party in 9nth grade "
I said angrily
"what do you mean i ditched you i danced with you the hole night"
"No you didn't you mooron you danced with me like 3 times and then went after sarah the bitch" I growled

Oh i remembered very well that night
I had like a month or so that i knew Leo and he was the worst kind of boy like the ultimate player.
I mean like damn it he was hot like veryy hot .
He has a perfect body with muscles and all .
Black hair ,big round eyes and damn those lips are so kissable
And so of course that i didn't push him away when he wanted to be with me but i wasn't stupid i knew his reputation so i told him i just wanted to be friends ,And that made him want me even more .
We talked a lot every day and i discovered that he wasn't just a bad boy there was so much more about him .
He was funny and caring but a player stays a player.
He invited me at a party at the end of 9th grade and we went together .
At first everything was going well we were having fun we even danced a few times even that he is a terrible dancer and than he just went to the bathroom and never came back .
Egi told me that she saw her leave with sarah the biatchhh of school .
And since that day i never spoke to him and here he is telling me to chill .
Ahhhh i want to smack him so harddd
"Earth to jessie did you even heard anything i said ?"
Leo was talking to me waving his hands like an idiot in front of my face .
That's when i realised i was spacing out
" I don't want to hear you ok ". I told him and tried to leave but he grabed my wrist and turned me around (damn it his strength) we were so close i could hear his heart beats.

"What do you want leoo?"
" I want to be friends again okeey , I really liked your company and I am sorry i ditched you but sarah is hott okey and she kissed me in the bathroom and than we started to make out and she started touching my buddy down there" he said pointing to his jeans
"okey stoop i don't want any other details thats grooseeee ewwww "
And he started laughing at my face and oh boy i missed that laugh .
"So will you be my friend again?"
" ughh okey i forgive you this time but if you do that to me again i will tell everyone that you are gayy" i said in a serious face
And there it was that smile again
"haha even if you would do that half of the girls in our school have tasted this body so no one will belive you "
"ewww that's groosee agaiiinnn stop itt I don't want to hear about your sex life you douche "
He laughed again and than we headed back home .
Yes our houses were in the same neighborhood
"So i got my bestfriend back"
" yeahh you douche now stop it dont be so girlyy , bye leo "
I smiled and walked away!

I hope you like my story so far.
Please read and share and tell me your opinion

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