Chapter One:

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Iain's POV

"Good morning Iain." Elizabeth said as she walked onto set. "Good morning, Liz." He said as he smiled at her. She squeezed his shoulder and walked into her trailer. He let out a small breath of air as he shut his eyes and tried to push the feeling of her touching him out of his mind. It didn't work. "Are you okay?" He heard a voice say a few moments later. "Oh, Chloe, hi yeah I'm fine. Just tired." He lied. "Okay, well I'm here to tell you they need you. It's time for that scene that no one will tell me about. Please tell me, is there gonna be a fitzsimmons kiss? Please!" She begged. He laughed, "No, Chloe, we aren't going to kiss." "Damnit!" She cursed. "Guess I have to go." He said as he got up and walked to the set. This was it, the scene they auditioned with. The scene he was dreading. "Hey." Elizabeth said as she walked up behind him. She was missing the smile she always had, it was getting to her too. "Hi." He said back. She grabbed his hand in hers, their fingers sliding together. "You ready for this?" She asked. "Not a bit." He said back. He looked down at their hands and felt a million nerves running around his stomach.
"Yeah, you're more than that Jemma." He said, she hugged him and placed a million kisses all over his face. They were both crying, she was a wreck. He was more, he felt like Fitz's confession was his own.
When they finished he was sat in his trailer with his hands in his head, it was the hardest scene he had ever filmed. It felt too real. He couldn't shake it off. He heard a knock on his door and he wiped away a tear from his eye. "Come in." He quickly said. "Are you alright?" It was Elizabeth. She still had a tear stained face but had changed back into her own clothes. "Not really." He admitted. "Yeah, me either." She said. She sat down next to him and placed her head on his shoulder. They sat there for a few minutes in silence, just feeling each other breathing. He placed his hand over hers, she smiled. "That was rough." He said. "It really was. I just have to remember that it's not real, and that you're okay." She said as she lifted her head so she could look into his eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm right here." He said smiling back at her. "I don't ever want to lose my little Iain." She said as she let her head fall back onto his shoulder. "You won't." He said softly.

Two weeks later

"Well, goodbye." Elizabeth said as she hugged Iain closely. He hugged her back. "I'm going to miss you." He said, his smile falling. "It's only for 2 months." She said, "but I'm going to miss you, too." She said with a smile on her face, her smile brought his back to his face. He couldn't resist her smile. Liz was leaving with her boyfriend on a trip to Turkey for 2 months while they were on break from shooting. And Iain was staying back in LA by himself. A few moments later, her boyfriend pulled up to Iain's apartment. "See you." Iain said smiling. "See you." She said as she placed a kiss on his cheek and ran down the front steps to the car. She waved to him as they drove off.
Iain couldn't help but be jealous, he wished he was the one who could take Liz to see the world. He just wasn't fortunate enough to have met her before her boyfriend had. He was sure that if he had, things would be different.
His phone went off, he looked down to see a text from Liz: "I miss you already 😘", it read.
He wrote her back and told her he missed her too. She was his best friend, but just as Simmons was to Fitz, she was also something more.

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