Kurokiba Ryou x Reader || Bandanna || Oneshot

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Requested by: takumiis & AkemiKanz

Some OOC-ness and implied child abuse ahead. You have been warned.

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Today was definitely not your day.

Since you stayed up late last night to finish your project, you only had about 2 hours of sleep before you had to wake up. Your alarm clock also decided to be a bastard and you were only saved from being late because of Fumio-san's banging on your door. You didn't have enough time to eat, so you decided to skip breakfast and ran your way to school. It was just your luck that you also didn't eat dinner yesterday. Your stomach kept grumbling the whole time in class and you were getting weird looks from your classmates.

Basically, today was shit. And you didn't expect things to get better either.

You slumped over the table as soon as the last class for the morning finished. You were so tired, sleepy and hungry that you couldn't even bring yourself to move anymore.

You groaned helplessly as one by one, the students left the room. You cast your tired eyes at Alice who was looking at you mischievously.

"Another busy night, [Name]?" she singsonged while waggling her eyebrows and you wanted to smack her upside the head for the implication it brought.

"Don't make it sound dirty, Alice" you grunted and slid down to the floor.

She approached you and patted your head. "Aww, my poor little baby [Name]." she cooed mockingly and you swatted her hand weakly.

"Stop it Alice, I'm not in the mood." you huffed out.

Alice clicked her tongue and motioned for you to get up. "Well, someone's cranky today. Come on then, let's go and feed the beast in your stomach. It's been distracting everyone since this morning."

"I can't. I'm too weak." you sighed and made shooing motions at her. "Go, I'll follow later. Or better yet, bring me food." you demanded childishly.

Alice puffed out her cheeks. "No way." she motioned for Ryou to come near her and he did so lazily.

"What is it, milady?"

"Carry [Name], Ryou. I'm hungry already."

You yelped in surprise as Ryou bent down and tried to lift you up. You immediately backed away and shook your head wildly. "No, no! The last time you did that I ended up kissing the floor." you glared weakly at him and he just shrugged.

"You wanted me to let you down, though."

You rolled your eyes at him. "That didn't mean you had to drop me on the floor without warning!"

He nodded boredly. "Alright, I'll let you down gently next time."

Alice snickered at us. "You two act so much like a couple. So cute~"

You flushed slightly and rolled your eyes at her. "Shut it." You then turned to Ryou and stuck your tongue out at him. "There is no next time." you grasped the end of the table and stood up slowly. "I'll manage, so let's go."

Alice seemed satisfied with this and she went out first, humming happily to herself, but not before sending meaningful glances at both you and Ryou.

You shook your head in amusement and looked at your companion. "Does she still think that we have something going on with each other?"

Ryou looked at the direction where Alice disappeared to and shrugged. "Milady likes to pair people up."

You sweat-dropped. "Right.. well, let's go then. I'm hungry." you started to walk out, but then you staggered and almost lost your footing. "Whoa!"

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