Real me

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"Where ever you want." The words just came out of my mounth, suprising both of us. She stood there looking at me, still trying to understand what I just said. This is dangerous. Okay, Ryan, come on, she's just your assistant. This is your chance to beat her. Show her you're better at this little games you've been playing for almost a year now.

"What's a matter, Miss Mills? Didn't you just said you want to show me your type" I said sarcasticly. She looked confused for several more seconds, then strainghten her back and put on that famous smile.

"Well, yes I did. But I'm not sure you could keep up. After all, you are Bennett Ryan", man, I love how my name sounds on her lips. "I don't think we have same perceptione of fun. You see, sunday brunches and tennis matches at your club aren't exactly my kind of fun", she smirked at me.

I stepped close to her again. "Then show me how to have fun", I said practickly in her mounth, looking at her lips. She stilled for few moments, then stepped away.

"Let's go then", she smiled at me. "Or you're scared?"

"Oh, Miss Mills, I'm a big boy", I smiled back. She looked around us and her face became semi serious.

"Even though I would love to teach you how to.. well live", she said and raised her eyebrow, "I'm afraid we're obligaded to stay here". I could see her dissapointment.

"Come on, I have an idea", I said and took her hand. We walked few steps and then I realised that I took her hand. I looked at Miss Mills and she smiled nervously.  I let go her hand and motioned her towards my dad. "Play along", I smiled.

"Dad", I said putting on fake worried face."We just recieved a phone call from Fergusson", I put my hand on Miss Mills's back and squezed her gently so she could keep up with my lie. "This month cargo is having some trouble on the borded, some papers got mixed up. Miss Mills ad I should run to office to fix it." My dad's smile fained. 

", this is practicly yours party..Can you do it tomorr..."Miss Mills interupted him.

"It's really important, Carlise. We just need to alternate our shipping order and we'll be back in no time". She's good.

"Fine, ask the shofer to drive you and wait for you", my dad said dissapointed.

"No!", Miss Mills and I shouted at the same time making everyone turn to us. We froze for a second, while the rest of people continued with the party. My dad looked very much confused. We looked at each other and slightly smiled.

"I mean, there is no need, I have my car outside and I already send the driver home", I rambled . Miss Mills looked nervious.

"Well, okey then. But, please, hurry." Miss Mills put her hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry".

I looked at her, not sure what was our next step. She looked back and smirked at me.

"So, let's go", I said sounding pretty idiotical. She put on that evil/beautiful smile. "Let's go". We nodded to my dad and walked out, barerly. People kep on saluting us, but we managed to get out of hotel. As we steped on the street, the slighty nervious I was felling, suddenly became large. I turned to her. She is so beautiful. Like she was getting more beautiful with each new look. She stilled for few seconds, then smiled. "Are you ready?"

"For you to show me your luck of entertainment? Any time", I smiled sarcasticly.

"Well..Let's make a game out of it. I'm gonna show you my way of fun, then you show me yours. And let's see who wins.", she said and came close to me, again our lips almost touching, "And was the prize?" I looked at her mude for almost a minute, then she laughed. "The fact theat you los, is good enough prize.Come on, we're wasting time".

"I'm waiting", I smirked at her. She steped away and  slightly raised her hand waiting for mine. She was obviously nervous. I put mine hand in hers, smiling. "Game on, Miss Mills". She smiled back. "Get ready to lose, Mr Ryan". She pulled my hand and start to run. 

"What the hell are you doing", I shouted. She continued to sprint and laughed. "We're wasting time, Mr Ryan".

"We're gonna get hit by a car", I said and she started to laugh really loud. 

"We're running at the sidewalk, brain monster", she laughed even louder. "Haven't you ever run on the side walk?" she stopped to restrain her breath. Still laughing, though.

"Why would I ever do that?" I asked, really not understanding her.

"I don't know, because you were late or something?", she was still trying to catch her breath.

"No. My driver always leave at time". She burst in even louder laugh.

"Oh, God! I forgot! You're Richie Rich."

"How very funny", I smiled at her sarcasticly.

She stopped by this one bulding, older. I was quite sorprised to see this building in such exlusive area of town. She sat down on the floor, surprising the crap out of me.

"What.. what are you doing?", she looked at me and smiled. Man, she's beautiful. Then ste try to rip lower part of her dress.

"What the hell?", I yelled. 

"I can't run fast in this long dress".

"Why would you have to run fast?", I was surprised. She smirked at me. "You'll see."

She was trying to rip the dress, but obviously material was to strong. So I kneeled in front of her and rip the dress myself. I cut the whole lower and some of higher part of her drees, exposing her perfect legs all the way to her  thighs. She looked at me with those brown eyes and I couldn't help, but smile. "I guess, you can't do everything by yourself. Don't you, Miss Mills?" She just smiled and stood up. Damn, I love her legs. 

"Come on!", she pulled my hand and walked towards that older bulding. I couldn't believe how right her hand felt in mine.  We stopped at the entrance and she pointed at the dorman, wispering.

"See that old man?"

"Yeah...", I was confused.

"Do you see that pile of keys behind him?", I nodded, very much confused. "I'm gonna distract him and you go and take the one with a blue key chain."


"Just do it!", she said sarcasticly. 

"I'm not going to steel his keys", I barked at her. 

"We're just borrowing it. Go! Or you're afraid, Mr Ryan?", she smirked at me. Well, I can't let her win.

"No! I'll do it". She walked towards a dorman and then attentionaly slipped.

"Ooo. Oh, no, my leg", she started yelling and the old man runed to help her. She sat on the floor and the dorman kneeled in front of her. 

"Are you okay there Miss?, old man said with a genuine concern.

"My leg! It really hurts, I tripped", as he was looking how to help her, I went around them, hiding from him and took the key with a blue key chain. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I nodded at her, as she gave one of her shoes to him, to check if the heel is broken.

"No, Miss, it seems perfectly fine", she said and they 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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