Takumi Aldini x Reader || Obsession || Oneshot

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"Hey, Takumi."

"... I'll show him! This would..."


"... Just you wait Yukihira Soma, I'll..."


You sighed exasperatedly as once again, Takumi continued to mutter under his breath, not even bothering to pay attention to you.

"It's no use, [Name]. Once Nii-chan goes into his Yukihira Soma rant, there's no stopping him until he gets tired." Isami told you as he continued chopping vegetables, apparently used to Takumi's antics by now.

You huffed out a breath at this.

"Then why did he ask me to come if he's just going to ignore me?"

Isami shot you an apologetic look. "Sorry about him, [Name]—"

You motioned for him to stop and shrugged.

"Don't say sorry, Isami. You didn't do anything. Well anyway, since I've got nothing to do here I'll just get going."

Isami smiled at you sheepishly and waved.

You stood up, dusted your clothes and prepared to leave, but you stopped abruptly when you were near the exit. You approached Takumi, smacked him lightly on the head, huffed, and got out of the door with a bang.

Takumi's small yelp of pain brought a smug smile on your face.

Hah. That'll teach him not to ignore you when he's the one to invite you to come with him. He might be your best friend but you just wanted to strangle him sometimes.

- - - - -

"He did it again." You sighed as you angrily chewed your food, glaring daggers at your supposed best friend, who was sitting at another table away from yours. You were supposed to hang out with Takumi this lunchtime but unfortunately, he's once again immersed in his ploy to defeat Soma.

"What happened?" Megumi inquired as she took a sip of her drink. She reached out for a napkin and offered it to you. "Oh, you have something on your face, [Name]."

You muttered a small thanks and wiped your face.

"I mean the inviting-me-and-then-ignoring-me thing." You muttered sullenly and rested your head on the table and stared at Soma who was eating with you and Megumi. "I mean, I get it that Takumi's finally found a rival in you that he can compete with but this is just bordering.. obsession."

Megumi choked on her rice balls while Soma looked at you weirdly.

"You might be overreacting on the obsession part, [Name]. It's just friendly rivalry." Soma shrugged as he finished his bento box and took a drink from the juice you brought with you.

You narrowed your eyes at him and he just grinned playfully. "Just a sip, see?"

You rolled your eyes and grabbed your drink before he decided to finish it all up like he did with your snacks from this morning.

"Friendly rivalry.. right. Not when all he thinks about is you and how to challenge you every single—" You stopped mid sentence and your eyes widened as you finally realized something.

Takumi's nonstop yammering about Soma.

Takumi's thoughts always occupied by Soma.

How did you not realize this sooner? You cast your wide-eyed look at Soma, then at Takumi, and then back at Soma again.

"Ihavetogo." You said in a rush as you hastily packed your things and waved a hurried goodbye to the two of them.

Megumi and Soma stared at the direction where you disappeared to before looking at each other and laughing softly.

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